Chapter XXIII | Nightmare

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Atlas' POV

Blah, blah, blah. We beat Giovanni at his gym and got through Victory Road.

Before we left the cave, a figure stood in the exit's pathway.

"You can't keep it a secret forever, Eclipse," he muttered. "They'll find out soon enough."

"What are you talking about, Moon?" Eclipse asked.

"Oh, you remember my birth name but not the past?" the figure asked. "C'mon, you aren't fooling anyone!"

"What do you mean by birth name?" Eclipse eyed.

"Since you don't care about Shade or me anymore, you can stop calling me Moon. It's Nightmare to you," he scoffed.

Eclipse sweat dropped at this. "Eclipse, what's he talking about?" I ask, frowning at him.

Eclipse sighs nervously. Is he keeping something from us? I thought. "Luna, you know anything?" I ask.

She shrugged sadly. I know Luna, she would've told me if he had told her any secrets.

"Just admit it," Nightmare glared. "What!? Admit what?!" Eclipse shouted.

Nightmare's eyes flashed red just like Shade's had.

"You're not just a murderer, Eclipse," Nightmare frowned. "You're a filthy liar."

Eclipse looked shocked for a moment. "He didn't want to kill you, he was being possessed."

Luna stared at Nightmare who had a crooked grin. "Sins hurt others too, ya know?" he frowned. "Not just yourself."

"I-I didn't know," Eclipse shook. "It doesn't matter," Nightmare glared.

"So? What, did you not know you left him to starve in the forest, too?" Ace looked shocked and Inferno was preparing to turn around.

"Let's go, Gengar!" Nightmare shouted. "C'mon out Alakazam!" Eclipse cried.

Eclipse had never looked so angered. "This is my fight!" Eclipse shouted. "Go on, head to the League."

We did as told and waited near the entrance, leaving Eclipse to fend off Nightmare...

Eclipse's POV

"I honestly wish you would've died back then too," I mutter. "You were worthless, just like Shade."

"And you call yourself a hero," Nightmare mumbled. "Use psychic!" I exclaim. "Dodge it," Nightmare mutters.

"Psybeam, now!" I shout. "Dodge it," he repeated. "Teleport behind him and use energy ball!" I call.

"Evade and use shadow ball," Nightmare mumbled. He wasn't even trying at the moment.

"Psybeam!" I cry. "Sludge bomb," he grinned, somehow blocking the attack.

"You can't do this forever," I mutter. "I'm aware," Nightmare grinned, flashing a smile.

Then Nightmare struck a pose, putting his arms in an X-Shape. "Mercy is something you won't get, Eclipse."

"Come forth from the heavens above, appear from the shadows and striketh thy enemy down," Nightmare chanted.

Gengar began glowing blue, as if it were in its shiny form. "Shadow bomb!"

Gengar shot a purple sphere of darkness at high velocity towards Alakazam, taking him down in one hit.

"Let's go, Star!" I shout. I was done messing around.

Out came my Starmie who took out Gengar in a single psybeam.

"You're lucky I only brought one Pokémon, Eclipse," he muttered.

There was a bright flash and with that he vanished. I headed up to the league to join the group.

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