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- Eve

Running my fingernails over my thighs, I used my right hand to scribble down notes for work in my notebook. Karen allowed us to work with headphones in, so I'd shuffled my playlist as I wrote down my notes.

A small tap on my shoulder made me look up, Eric, the somewhat attractive older man who also happened to be the chief photographer at Look, he handed me a bottle of water with a grin.

I pulled one of my headphones out of my ear, "Thanks, Eric. Do I owe you anything?"

He shook his head, taking a seat opposite me and picking up a camera and removing the lens cap and dropping it onto the desk. Hesitantly, I put my earphones back in and carried on working. Every so often, I glanced up to find Eric fiddling with bits of the camera and writing down notes in his notebook - he was probably seeing if anything needed fixing with the very expensive camera he was holding.

My phone buzzed, causing a light ding to go off in my ears. I looked over at my phone, the smile faded off my face and I raised a brow at the text I'd received.

From: Simon
Do you want to go out for dinner with me?

I frowned, cocking my head to the side as I slid the message across to reply to it. Pulling my earphone out of my ear, I bit my lip as my fingers hovered over the keys.

"D'you get a weird text?" Eric asked and as I looked up, he gave me a sympathetic smile. I shook my head, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"No, it's just this boy I don't really like just texted me asking me if I wanted to get dinner with him." I said, realising how stupid it sounded now that I was telling it.

Eric raised his brow, "Why do you have his number?"

"Now I think of it," I stated whilst I bit the corner of my lip "I don't really know."

Eric nodded, raising his brows quickly in a confused expression "You gonna reply?"

My phone dinged again and I expected it to be my phone telling me about the same text I'd just received but I still looked and he'd actually texted me a second time.

From: Simon
Don't air me, Eve

I rolled my eyes, quickly typing a reply as I crossed my legs over each other.

To: Simon
Wrong Eve?

I pushed my phone away, switching it off before I looked back up at Eric. He has the camera raised to his eye, zooming in on my hand with the zoom lens as he obviously tried to test it out.

My phone chimed again and as I reached for it, Eric snapped a shot of my hands as my fingers tightened around my standard black biro. I ignored it, reading my text and feeling my stomach drop slightly.

From: Simon
You're the only Eve I have in my phone

To: Simon
Why do you wanna take me out then?

Yet again, I tossed my phone aside and as I bit the corner of my lip, I realised how desperate I was for an answer. Was he attempting to pull some elaborate prank on me? Or maybe he was being blackmailed by Cal or Sarah to take me out? I wanted to know what his reasons were.

From: Simon
When do you get off work?

I cursed under my breath, hesitating before typing a reply.

To: Simon
Five but you still haven't answered me, why do you want to take me out?

Eric cleared his throat then, grasping my attention as I looked up at him. It was then he snapped a picture of my face, completely catching me off guard and no doubt claiming a terrible mug of my face on a work camera. Probably something he'd use against me at a Christmas party at work.

I sighed, a swooshing sound filling my ears as I looked down at the text I had received.

From: Simon
I'll explain later. Be ready at five.


He was a man of his word. He didn't stand me up, he was there waiting outside in his red Range Rover. I didn't like this feeling, the feeling growing in the pit of my stomach. This was something couples did. And Simon and I were never going to be a couple.

I pulled open the door, making him look up from his phone and look over at me. He looked me over slowly as I climbed into his car, chucking my bag onto my floor and pulling the seatbelt over me.

"Have a nice day at work, love?" he teased, his lips wearing an amused grin. I rolled my eyes, placing my phone and my hands on my lap.

"Shut up." I muttered, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear before I folding my arms over my chest "Why are you here anyway?"

"Well, I thought I'd take you out. You know, get to know each other a little bit before the big day." he said, starting up his car before he pulled out of the car park and out onto the main road.

"Liar." I spat, narrowing my eyes as I looked over at him "Someone probably blackmailed you to take me out."

He frowned quickly looking over at me before back at the road ahead, "I'm being serious!"

I tutted, unfolding my arms to place them in my lap. A silence filled the car as Simon drove towards town centre and as we stopped at a red light, he drummed his fingers against the wheel of his car.

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked, wanting to know where his sneaky little plan was going to unfold.

"Does it matter?" he responded, pressing his foot on the accelerator as the light turned green. Yet again, I rolled my eyes as I looked at the road ahead of us.

"Sheesh, I just want to know where we're going." I said, "You don't have to be such a dick."

Simon scowled, making a left hand turn and pressing his foot further into the accelerator. I turned my head to look out the window, watching other cars go past us as we drove towards our destination.

I really didn't want to be in the car with him, I knew that tonight would be awkward and we'd probably end up bickering over something. That's just what our relationship was like, constant bickering and bitterness. Like an old married couple who know that staying together is not a good idea but they do it anyway.

From previous experience, trying with Simon was worthless. He pushed me away, he acted like he hated me and here we were, sat in a car on our way to dinner together.


i finally updated lmao, i'll try and update more regularly but i've been super busy and don't know when i'll next update but i'll try!

hope you enjoyed!
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