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- Eve

The Sunday morning I awoke to was a wet and cold one. Raindrops decorated my window panes and more continued to fall on my balcony plants and across London. This rain was nothing short of torrential, it was no light sprinkling of water but instead was a downpour.

But, it was a source of comfort as I sat in my bed with a cup of tea in my hands. My head, even though I had taken some paracetamol, was still hurting due to last nights alcohol consumption and I knew that I was better off staying in bed and catching up on sleep as the clock had just turned eight-thirty and I knew I had gone to bed at some time around two in the morning.

My phone buzzed which caught my attention and I reached over for it to check my text messages. I let out a soft yawn as I read through the message, rubbing my eye with the back of my hand.

From Maddie at 8.30am
Are you free today?

I slowly typed out a reply, deeply considering whether I actually wanted to do anything today or not.

To Maddie at 8.31am
I am, why?

I tossed my phone aside, letting out another yawn as I awaited her reply. I had no idea what she had in mind for us to do but I suspected we were both suffering from a hangover and we wouldn't be doing anything overly drastic.

My phone went off again and I read through Maddie's reply.

From Maddie at 8:33am
Can we meet up for coffee? I need to tell you something.

To Maddie at 8:34am
I'm down, what time do you want to meet?

I picked up my tea then, taking a quick sip before placing it onto my bedside table. I kicked my covers off, grabbing my phone and reading Maddie's recent reply.

From Maddie at 8:35am

To Maddie at 8:36am
I'll see you there, is somewhere in Central London good with you? I can't be asked to travel far today.

From Maddie at 8:37am
I'm in Central anyway, see you at 9.30


I pulled at the loose strands of my hair, tightening my messy bun as I waited for Maddie to turn up at the coffee shop. I had already ordered my drink and I looked down at my untouched Cappuccino with longing eyes but I was determined to wait until Maddie arrived so I wasn't without a drink whilst she sat sipping at her own.

The door opening caught my attention and I locked eyes with Maddie. I gave her a warm smile and she hurried over to the till, ordering her drink, waited for it to be made and collected it before she made her way over to me.

"What did you get?" I asked, peering over the rim of her cup.

"Oh, the usual." Maddie answered, pulling out a seat and sitting down "A hot chocolate."

"I just got a Cappuccino." I said, resting my chin on the palm of my hand as I watched Maddie slide her purse back into her bag.

She picked up her cup by its handle, meeting eyes with me then and I raised a brow.

"I suppose you want to know what I want to tell you." Maddie said and I nodded slowly.

"Spill the tea, girl." I grinned, picking up my Cappuccino which slightly warmed my hands as I held it. I took a sip, watching as Maddie seemed like she was mentally preparing herself for what she was going to confess.

"Right so, you know how Vik took me home last night." Maddie started and I nodded, she continued "I basically stayed at the house," she hesitated "In his room, in his bed, with him."

"You slept in his bed?" I asked, placing my drink back down and cocking my head to one side. Maddie nodded, biting the corner of her lip as her eyes scanned over my face.

"Did anything happen?" I questioned with some hesitation and Maddie looked down then. I smiled, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"We kissed." Maddie confessed, her shoulders slightly relaxing as she said this "But nothing more than that, but it was great. Nothing overly steamy, just a quick kiss but it felt like there was so much passion behind it not some sort of drunk mistake."

"That's so cute." I said, giving her smile. Maddie returned my smile, taking a sip of her hot chocolate. She wiped her mouth on the back of her hand, clearing her throat a little.

"So, Simon took you home then." Maddie said and my eyes widened.

"How did you know?" I asked, tucking my hair behind my ear as I looked Maddie up and down slightly.

"He told me this morning."

"Why didn't I guess." I muttered under my breath, rolling my eyes a little. Maddie pouted, picking up her drink again and taking another small sip.

"It's not bad that he told me, is it?" Maddie asked, placing the cup back on the saucer. I shrugged, running my fingertips around the rim of the coffee cup, Maddie reached over and placed her hand on my wrist.

"It's just so annoying. That everything that happens between us, he can never keep his bloody mouth shut. He tells the whole fucking world." I said, gritting my teeth a little.

Maddie nodded, "I understand. Does he have any reason to do it?"

"He's just doing it because he knows it annoys me. He'll do anything to piss me off. He's always done it and I doubt he'll ever change." I explained, "It never used to upset me before but now it does and I don't know why."

"Maybe you're just sensitive. Like, if he says it all the time then maybe its finally getting to you." Maddie suggested with a shrug. I covered my face with my hands, letting out a small angry groan. I didn't want to show any sort of weakness towards him and acting like his words hurt me would only give him a reason to do it again because deep down, Simon knows what makes me tick and will always use it against me with any chance he gets.

"Or maybe, just maybe, you like him." Maddie suggested, poking the back of my hand.

"Do not even say that. I don't think I could ever like Simon."

"Eve, what if all this time, you've been like hiding your feelings for each other with hate because you just don't want to admit you like him." Maddie said, "And vice versa."

"Madds, don't give me that philosophical shit." I stated, "I'm hungover."

"See! You just don't want to admit it."

"Shut up, Maddie."


another longgggg ass chapter but hey at least you got one!

also, a cute gif of vik and simon

remember to vote and comment!


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