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- Eve

As I raised my hand to knock on the front door, Simon's hand gripped my shoulder a little bit tighter as right now other than the wall he was gripping onto he didn't have much support for his wobbly legs. He hadn't spoken a word since he got out the taxi, I think he barely had the energy to walk let alone talk and I usually loved it when he kept his mouth shut but now, his silence was starting to worry me.

The door swung open and I met eyes with Vik, who when he took one look at Simon's drunken state he gave a light life. I scowled, and pushed Simon inside the house and Vik closed the door behind us.

"Are you going to take him upstairs?" Vik asked, locking the front door and tossing the key aside. I looked at Simon who was gripping onto the banister tightly with one hand and I nodded, I wrapped an arm around his torso and for extra support knotted my fingers in the material of his shirt just in case he slipped whilst walking up the steps.

I pushed him up the stairs, glancing over my shoulder at Vik as we took the stairs one step at a time, "Which one is his room?"

"Second door on the left, it's opposite the banister." Vik answered, walking over into the kitchen and disappearing out of view. I nodded, looking upwards and spotting Simon's room. He seemed to know where he was going because even with his unstable legs he still walked directly towards his bedroom. I clicked open his door, pulling him inside carefully Briefly, I let go of him as I closed his door a fraction and he shuffled over to his bed and collapsed on top of it. His head nestled into his pillow and he snuggled down into the covers, my eyes were quick to scan over him and I let out  a small chuckle at his state. I turned on his bedside light and took a seat by his feet, running my fingers over the laces of his shoes as I looked up at him.

"Simon?" I asked quietly, he didn't respond and I continued to untie his laces and pull his shoes off his feet and gently place them down on the floor next to his bed. I pondered over asking him if he wanted anything but I knew he probably just wanted to sleep.

"Do you want a glass of water?" I questioned and again he didn't respond, I glanced around to see if I could spot any bottles that he had lying around in his room and to my disappointment, there wasn't any. I got to my feet, slowly walking towards the door and heading back downstairs. As I reached the bottom, I knew my heels on the floorboards would make a racket so I just took them off and placed them by the front door among the other shoes.

The kitchen was quiet apart from the boiling of the water in the kettle, Vik looked down at his phone as he waited for the kettle and met my eyes when I walked in.

"Is he alright?" he asked, a concerned look on his face. I nodded, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear as I walked over to the glasses cabinet and pulled out a glass. I ran the glass under the water machine that was connected to the fridge, sighing softly as I watched it filled up.

Deep down, a part of me knew that helping him was a good thing. I hated him with everything I had but I didn't want him to get hurt and leaving him on that bench with Will wouldn't have been the right thing to do. It was sort of like the Good Samaritan, the moral of the story being "put aside your differences and help those who are in need." and I wasn't religious but I knew that if I hadn't helped him tonight guilt would eat away at me, and I'd feel bad for leaving him in a drunken mess.

"Goodnight Eve." Vik said as I left the kitchen, I waved him goodbye as I made my way back up the stairs again and back into Simon's room. He was silent now and his eyes were closed, I was sure he was asleep so I carefully placed the glass on his bedside table just in case he woke up with a dry throat like anybody did when they were drunk. As I turned to leave him to sleep, his fingers wrapped around my wrist and I looked over my shoulder to look down at him.

"Stay with me." he whispered, his voice was hoarse and tired. I frowned, I knew he was drunk and was probably going to go into some sort of embarrassed state in the morning if he woke up and I was in his room. I sighed softly, pulling my wrist away from his hand and taking a seat next to him. It was then that he slipped his fingers in between mine and brushed his fingertips against my palm. I looked with a furrowed brow between my hand and Simon. His eyes were still closed, his breathing had turned a littler softer and his chest rose and fell like any sleeping person's did. I wiggled my hand a bit, trying to pull it away but he only gripped my hand tighter.

"No, Eve," he said, frowning slightly and turning his head into the pillow "Stay."


second update of the day and simon being a cute little shit? damn, it must be christmas.

and i life writing stuff like this, it makes me happy.

remember to vote and comment!


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