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— Eve

"You look gooooood." Callum said as he opened the door to the Sidemen house, elongating the ending of his word.

"Thank you." I replied, looping an arm around his waist as I gave him a hug. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders, giving me a tight squeeze. I was going to miss Callum, truthfully I was. I would miss the others too but this lanky, blonde haired idiot would be the one I would miss just as much as the other lanky, blonde haired idiot I was dating.

"Everyone's around the house." Callum said, walking me into the house and kicking the door shut with his foot. He dragged me into the living room, everyone gave me a bright smile and a wave as I entered. I was going to miss all of these people so much, more than I could even imagine. A pair of arms looped around my waist then, dragging me back towards them and away from Callum.

"Hello beautiful." the soft voice of Simon whispered in my ear, resting his head on my shoulder and burying his face in my neck. I turned around, wrapping my arms around his waist and looking up at him. He pressed his lips to mine then, his hand cupping my jaw as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. It was now that I could taste the sweet taste of strawberry on his tongue - knowing my boyfriend the way I did, it was probably strawberry vodka.

"Let me go get a drink first before you stick your tongue down my throat, babe." I said, patting him on the chest as I made my way into the kitchen. I was quick to grab a bottle of cider off the side, cracking it open with a bottle opener. Another pair of arms wrapped around my shoulders, squeezing me tight. I looked over my shoulder, meeting the familiar green eyes of Will Lenney.

"Oh hey!" I said, wrapping an arm around his torso as I took a sip of my drink. Will smiled down at me, tucking a strand of my hair behind me ear "You alright Will?"

"Brilliant." Will grinned, "Just sad" I noted the fall of his usual smile then "I'm going to miss you, love."

"Oh Will," I said, rubbing his back with my hand as I stuck my bottom lip out in a pout "I'll miss you too."

Will smiled then, looking over his shoulder and around the kitchen that was filled with various people "Where's your boyfriend?"

"Simon?" I asked, looking over Will's shoulder and around the kitchen - he wasn't in here and in response to Will's question "I don't know, babe, why?"

Will shook his head, pulling his arm away from my shoulders and taking a few steps backward. He took a second to admire what I was wearing and I cocked my head to the side "What you looking at, Will?"

"Just am really going to miss you." Will said, scratching the back of his neck as he looked up to look at my face. I couldn't help but notice he looked a little nervous, his eyes couldn't meet mine and he was playing with the collar of his shirt.

"Will," I asked daintily, scanning his face with my eyes "What's up?"

"I don- Oh, don't worry." Will said, walking out of the kitchen "Just think about how much I'll be missing you when you're in France." I frowned, tucking my hair behind my ear and walking out of the kitchen behind him and watching him disappear into the dining room.

"Babe!" Simon called, his voice grabbing my attention and as my eyes met his, he opened his arms for me to come and join him on the chair he was sitting on, obviously to pull me into his lap. As I approached him, Simon noted the confused look on my face "What's that face for, baby?"

"Nothing, nothing." I said, slipping into his lap and feeling the familiar feeling of his arms wrap around my waist "I just had a weird conversation with Will."

"How weird?" Simon asked, his brow raised as he ran his fingertips over my back "What did he say?"

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "I don't know, it was weird. He told me was really going to miss me and" I held up my fingers to do air quotes then "Just think about me when you're in France."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I noted Simon's frown here, his eyes scanning the group of people in here as he obviously looked for Will. I shrugged, turning towards Simon and wrapping an arm around his shoulders and pressing a soft kiss on his lips as he looked back up to meet my eyes.

"Don't worry, he's probably just being a sap because he's had a drink." I reassured him, giving him another quick peck on the lips. Simon frowned, watching me as I took another sip from my drink "Don't let it bother you, Si."

I got to my feet then, taking his empty glass from his hand "Double shot of strawberry vodka?"

"Oh you know me so well, baby girl." Simon grinned, the use of the pet name sending some sort of eruption of butterflies in my stomach. He pouted his lips then, obviously asking for another kiss to which I complied by giving him another quick one, resting my hand on his thigh. He placed his hand on my hip, kissing me a few times more before he pushed me upwards "Go on, go get my drink."

I saluted him, earning a laugh from Simon as I headed back into the kitchen. I rounded the door, spotting Will again. His eyes met mine as he spun on the breakfast bar stool, an awkward smile on his face. I opened my mouth to speak but he beat me to it.

"Can we speak outside?" he asked and I was quick to nod. Still holding Simon's glass, I followed Will out into the garden patio. Will sighed deeply, shoving his hands into his pockets as he let out a large puff of air. He looked up at me then, biting his lip almost as if he was thinking of something to say.

"Will, are you sure you're okay?" I said, "This seems a little bit random to me, you're bringing me out here to chat and earlier you're telling me you're going to miss me." I raised a brow, "Like explain to me what's going a bit here because I'm a bit confused - like is everything okay?"

"I told you, I'm going to miss you when you're in France." Will said, scratching the back of his neck again "I just think that it's a real shame that we didn't spend as much time together as we could have. We went clubbing a few times, we hung out a few times and each time you got more and more beautiful. I knew that you  liked Simon and it fucking ruined me to think that you were wasting your time on someone that doesn-"

"Simon's my boyfriend Will, he does like me, what makes you think tha-"

"Let me finish, Eve." Will cut me off, clapping his hands together "It breaks my heart that you were putting your heart on the line, and still are, for someone that was so horrible to you for so long. I heard the way he spoke about you, that's not how you talk about somebody you like?" Will took a deep breath then, looking me in the eyes "I want the best for you and I think France will be a good choice for you but I'm going to miss seeing your beautiful face."

I stood here now, blinking in the dark as I tried to make out his figure in the low lighting. It dawned on me now on this night, a few days before I leave for France, that Will Lenney was trying to tell me that he liked me.


hello beautifuls! this chapter is almost a year too late.

sorry for a random little input but im evil hahahaha

remember to vote and comment!

nell <3

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