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- Eve

"Do I have everything I need?" I muttered to myself, rooting through my three packed suitcases and a carry on. I flicked my hair over my shoulder, brushing my hands off on my thighs and standing up tall. I was going to miss my little flat, my parents had ever so kindly offered to pay the rent for me until I got home just so I had somewhere to go back to.

A knock on my door made me jump and grabbing the hair band off my wrist, I pulled my hair into some sort of a messy bun as I headed towards my front door. Pulling it open, a bunch of flowers was shoved into my face and the petals tickled my chin as I held them tightly. Simon slipped into my flat, wrapping his arms around my waist as he hugged me tightly.

"Hey Si, I thought I was seeing you later?" I asked, placing the flowers down on the sideboard and reaching over the shut the front door. He shrugged, pulling me closer to him and resting his head on my shoulder.

"I wanted to see you by myself," Simon responded, he took a harsh breath then as he squeezed me a little tighter "God, I'm going to miss you so much."

"Weird to think that you hated me not that long ago and now you're saying you'll miss me." I said, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. He chuckled breathlessly, pulling away from my shoulder to look at me.

"Crazy how the world works, right?" he questioned and I nodded, "Have you felt anything yet?"

"Huh? Have I felt what?" I cocked my head to one side and followed his eyes as he looked down at my stomach and I let out a gasp of realisation "Oh no! I feel fine."

"Just fine?" Simon repeated, reaching up to brush a strand of hair behind my ear. By the look on his face, I could tell he was genuinely worried about this.

"Simon, it's fine. I'll take a test next week and I'll let you know soon as, okay?"

He nodded slowly, "Alright."

I grinned and he returned it but I could still see the uncertainty behind it. Running my fingers along his shoulders blades, I gave him another reassuring smile "Simon, everything is going to be just fine."

Suddenly thinking of another point before he spoke again, I interrupted him "Besides, we've had sex these last two weeks and I'm fine."

"I used a condom." Simon countered, "Besides you're back on the pill now so surely that means..."

I shrugged, "I'll call my doctor later, okay? I promise."

He nodded again, leaning down now to press his lips to mine. I responded by kissing him back, grabbing onto his shoulder blades slightly.

"What are you wearing to you leaving party later?" Simon asked, pulling away from my lips  and giving me a smile.

"It's a surprise." I said, noting Simon's eye roll before adding "C'mon it'll be fun if it's a surprise."

"Eve, I'm your boyfriend, I deserve to know what you're wearing." Simon said, leaning down to give me another quick kiss "I mean you could wear a bin bag and I'd still want to have sex with you."

"I might come in a bin bag then."

"What? Just so I'll have sex with you? Sheesh Eve, I feel so used." He pouted then, furrowing his brows. I chuckled, pulling away from him to grab the flowers and bring them into the living room so I would remember to take them with me - I wanted them in my room at least.

I placed them on the coffee table, watching Simon plonk down onto the sofa and lay his arms across the back of it. As we made eye contact, he patted his thighs whilst giving me a small smirk. I rolled my eyes, wrapping an arm around his shoulders as I slipped into his lap.

"I am going to miss you." Simon said, smiling up at me "Going to miss your attitude, your sarcasm, your resting bitch face..."

I cut his list short, "You're walking on thin ice, buddy."

"Don't buddy me, Eve." Simon said with a frown, "Besides, I'll miss other things." He wiggled his eyebrows then and I chuckled.

"You nasty."

Simon chuckled then, pressing his lips to mine again and resting his hand on my thigh. I returned the kiss, pulling him a little closer to me by the back of his neck. He depended the kiss, slipping his tongue into my mouth and meeting my own.

It was always strange making out with Simon, we'd gone from hating each other for what seemed like an eternity and now here I was, sat on his lap, kissing him. It was a weird situation but I would probably get over it because nevertheless, Simon was a good kisser.

"Dunno how I'm gonna deal with blue balls for five months." he whispered, pulling away to leave kisses down my neck "I might actually not let you leave my bed when you come back." He reached my collarbone, tugging my shirt down a little with his fingers as he continued to kiss there "Except, I think I'll miss seeing you everyday. Y'know, your pretty lil' face and your cute laugh."

"You're just being cheesy now." I replied, gasping as I felt him bite my neck "Can you not give me a hickey please? I want my dress to look nice later."

"Is that seriously the only hint I'm getting?" Simon asked, looking up at me and when I nodded, he pressed his lips to mine again. "I fucking hate you sometimes, Eve."

"Never heard that one before, Si." I countered, "What's your excuse this time?"

"You're such a tease."


hello babes!

a long awaited update is finally here and it's a really shitty chapter but it's a-okay because at least i posted something

oh well

have a good summer my lovelies!


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