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- Eve

Knocking on the door of the flat, a short little yap came from inside the house and a smile came onto my face. In June, Callum and the rest of his flatmates had brought a puppy and it deserved the absolute world. The door opened and Callum welcomed me inside, with a smile. He had invited me over, probably to eat pizza and watch films like we did when we saw each other on the weekends. Callum always said it was the best hangover cure but even though I wasn't hungover but insanely tired, a Hawaiian pizza from Domino's seemed like the perfect wake up call.

Herbert yapped happily at my feet and I bent down to pick him up, he was so tiny and he scrambled a little bit before settling down with a comforting lick to my chin. I cooed, pouting over at Callum who rolled his eyes before sitting back down on the sofa. I kicked off my shoes, shuffling over the sofa and gently placing the puppy down in my lap as I sat down.

"I swear you care more about that puppy than you do about me." Callum said, watching as I scratched behind his ears with my fingernails. I rolled my eyes, running my fingers through Herbert's soft hair before turning to Callum.

"Herbert wouldn't leave me with a drunk Simon." I responded, scratching the dog's head as I looked down at him "Would you? Of course you wouldn't."

"Please stop babying my dog." Callum said, with a roll of his eyes, reaching over and snatching Herbert up in his arms protectively. I knew that Callum loved Herbert to death and even if Cal or Harry were mean to him, he'd defend the puppy like it was his son. Callum did refer to Herbert as 'his boy' but after knowing Callum so long, I knew this was generally his way of showing affection towards another guy.

"What are we watching tonight then?" I asked, leaning back against the sofa. Callum shrugged looking over at the TV before back at me. He too scratched behind the dog's ears before passing me the remote and raising his eyebrows.

"You choose, you're the guest." he said, glancing over at the TV before down at the dog. I sighed, I wasn't very good at choosing movies for us to watch because we usually didn't watch them. Our time was spent instead complaining about how much pizza we had eaten or about how you shouldn't feed your dog pizza and before we knew it, the movie was over.

"I don't know." I muttered, scrolling through the movies to try and find something interesting to watch. I handed the remote Callum's way and when he didn't take it I found him placing Herbert on his chest and fishing his phone out his pocket.

"What do you fancy?" he asked, following my eyes down to Herbert who had now settled himself and was resting on Callum's chest. He grinned, "Eve? What do you want?"

"The usual. Medium Hawaiian, please." I said, leaning over to stroke under the dog's chin. Callum nodded, getting his order as well as the sides he usual ordered but ended up sharing with me.

"Also, Cal?" I added, looking up at him. He raised his eyebrows, nodding for me to continue "I'm not going soft."

"Pfft, shut up Eve. You are." he responded, completing his order and switching off his phone. I scowled, sitting back against the sofa again and bringing my feet up so I could hug them to my chest.

"How?" I questioned, resting my chin on my knees.

"Simon Minter is turning you soft." he teased, poking my leg "See, Eve 'I hate Simon Minter' Britton, would usually just leave him on that bench but you didn't did you?"

"You didn't see how drunk he was." I said, tucking my hair behind my ear "He was literally ready to drop as soon as we got in the taxi. And besides, it wasn't like Will could do anything as he was too busy stressing so, I took charge of the situation. Because, someone," I poked his thigh with my foot "Was too busy trying to pull girls that you couldn't take him home yourself."

"Hey, don't turn this on me, Eve. You helped him on your own accord, I mean you could have left him there and called one of the boys to come get him or just stuck him in a taxi by himself but no, you went with him."

"Only because he asked me to."

"He what?"

"He asked me to."

Callum muttered something under his breath then, closing his eyes as he leaned his head back. I raised a brow, a part of me wanting to know what he just said.

"What did you say?" I asked, hugging my knees a little closer to my chest.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter." Callum blatantly lied, raising his hand to stroke the dog.

I rolled my eyes, resting my head on my knees as I looked over at the TV. A part of me wanted to know what he said because it was either about me or Simon but I knew Callum was the type of friend that if he was going to call me anything, he'd say it to my face so it was probably the latter.

"Whatever you say, Callum, whatever you say."


christ what an anticlimactic ending

but hey, i did something new and added in a random gif of cal and it's super cute and it kinda goes with the chapter. aw i love herbert

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