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I twirled my ID round between my fingertips, the night was surprisingly warm for an August in England. There was a light breeze that brushed across my face as I walked up the road towards the nightclub from the tube station and I appreciated it as I knew that this particular club would be heaving with people and the heat would be almost unbearable as people danced and drank to Deep House music.

My phone buzzed in my hand and i glanced down at it quickly and scanned my eyes over the text.

From Freezy at 20:07pm
We're at the bar, want me to order you a round? X

I smiled at his generosity, we would take it in then when it came to ordering the first round and then as the night progressed, we would just buy our own drinks.

To Freezy at 20:08pm
Go ahead, I'll be there in a few. The queue isn't that long x

I switched off my phone as I joined the end of the queue to get in, I had been a few times and I usually turned up later than Callum because my patience was a little thin and I couldn't stand long, painfully slow lines full of already pissed eighteen year olds.

"ID?" the bouncer asked, holding out his hand and I placed it in his palm. He glanced at my photo before back up at me, giving me a smile and a nod before letting me inside "Enjoy your night."

I slipped my ID back into my little clutch, following a group of boys down the stairs towards the night club. Already, the bass music rang in my ears and I could already feel it in my chest. They played the music so loud in this particular club because it was underground and didn't pester any of the surrounding neighbours.

A brief call of my name caught my attention and I headed over to the bar and climbed up the steps towards where I could see Callum. I gave him a light smile, placing my clutch onto the bar table and looked down at the row of drinks in front of Callum.

"I ordered your usual." Callum said, returning my smile before he stepped back and wrapped an arm around a tall, brown haired boy and nodded over at him "This is Will."

He smiled a little awkwardly, I waved at him as I picked up my Vodka and Coke and took a sip before speaking, "Nice too meet you, I'm Eve."

"Hey." he greeted, picking up his own drink and taking a sip. I smiled over at him, tucking my hair behind my ear as I glanced around the already busy nightclub. It was heaving with sweaty dancers and they all were in close proximity of each other and grossly sharing sweat.

"The bathroom was packed." a voice said, grabbing my attention. Simon wiped his hands on his jeans, briefly making eye contact with me before looking away. I took a sip of my drink, watching people go by as they walked towards the dance floor or the bathroom.

"Surprised they didn't all leave when you came in." I muttered under my breath, resting the rim of my glass against my bottom lip. Callum snickered, nudging me with a shake of his head. He leant down to whisper in my ear, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Don't start a fight, Eve." he whispered, chuckling softly. I leaned backwards, catching Simon staring at us and I watched him raise his drink up to his lips with a slight angered expression on his face, I frowned before turning to Callum.

"Me? Start a fight? Never." I grinned, poking him in the stomach. Callum pushed away from the bar, running his fingers through his hair. He looked between Simon and I, before turning to Will.

"If she hits him, make sure you film it." Callum said, patting Will on the shoulder before disappearing off onto the dance floor. I took another sip of my drink, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Why would she hit you?" Will asked, looking over at Simon "You two having a bit of a domestic?"

It was then Will gave out a short yelp of pain as Simon kicked him harshly in the leg, shaking his head. I raised a brow, placing my drink on the side.

"A domestic? We're not dating Will." I stated, my face twisting an expression of disgust.

"But you said-" Will was cut off by Simon kicking him in the leg again.

"Shut up." Simon hissed under his breath, taking a short swig of his beer. I raised a brow, folding my arms over my chest.

"Okay then." I whispered, smoothing out the creases in my dress before knocking back the rest of my drink. I fluffed up my hair a little, adjusted the front of my dress and stepped away from the bar.

"I'm going to dance. Wanna come Will?" I asked, and I pouted when he shook his head.

"I'll pass." he said with a grin, "I'm not drunk enough."

I nodded, giving him the thumbs up and making my way down on to the dance floor. The drink was buzzing in my system, I was ready to dance my heart out and until my feet hurt. And even when I swayed my hips to the beat, the thought of what Simon had said to Will before hand still pestered my thoughts.


yeet, here's an update and the next chapter will hopefully be coming soon but i'll probably forget and post it like on saturday or something

remember to vote and comment


wedding date | miniminterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora