One Step Forward...

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Luke POV

"Hey now, it's okay. What's wrong?" I ask her. She looks so scared. I can tell she hasn't shifted in a while. It shouldn't have hurt like that. I watch her as she takes in her body. She seems panicked about something.

Doc somethings not right. She seems really scared. I don't think she remembered how to shift.

Keep her calm and hopefully we can get some answers. Do you want me to come in?

Not yet. Let's see if I can get her to calm down. Another person might just put her over the edge right now.

I keep my eyes focused on her face. This is not the time to be checking her out. She seems lost in thought when her breathing begins to pick up. Before I can move she flails around falling off of the table. I quickly make my way around the object and approach her. She glares at me and starts to growl as I approach. I pause as she backs herself up to the wall her knees pressed against her chest. Her eyes flick around the room. It's like she has no idea what just happened. She looks so scared and lost.

"Sang," I say softly. She turns her attention back on me. "What's wrong?" I try to approach again but am only met with a louder growl. I can feel two of my brothers approaching. There is no way North is going to let me be alone in here if she gets violent and Doc probably has a sedative on him just in case. I really hope we don't need it. She's been through too much as it is. They both move across the room to stand slightly in front of me. I watch as her eyes jump from one to the other. She unconsciously leans away from North. I think that probably has to do with the terrifying scowl plastered on his face. But that's just a guess.

"Sang, it's okay. We're not going to hurt you. Please trust me," I try again putting my hands up in a surrender position. I lock onto her eyes and try to show my sincerity. "These are two of my brothers, North and Sean. I know they might look scary but they would never hurt you." I take a cautious step forward in front of North and Sean ignoring the low warning growl North gives me.

She stares at me with wide green eyes slightly tilting her head to the side. I can see the confusion in her face and then it clicks.

I don't think she understands what I saying.

I think you're right. But we need to get through to her. Sean replies. Well, I guess it's all up to me now. Good thing I kick butt at charades.

"Hey, Sang," I say softly squatting in front of her. I see her tense up slightly. "It's okay, easy there girl. We just want to help." I motion to the bandages around her torso and then to Doc. "This is Sean. He is a doctor and helped you get better."

She follows my motions looking at Doc and back to the bandages before looking back at me. Hesitantly she reaches a hand up to touch the white strips. I make sure to keep my back to North to show her I trust him.


"Yes, he helped you by fixing your wounds. Did a bear do that?" I ask motioning her injuries.

Claws are bear? She asks touching the bandages.

"Yes claws are called bears. Why did it hurt you?" I ask hoping she'll understand my question.

Little ones...lost. Big ones... She touches her bandages again.

"You helped the cubs find their mother and the mother attacked you?" asks Doc. She tilts her head to the side as if she doesn't fully understand. I can't believe even as a wolf she helped out bear cubs. Most animals, heck most humans wouldn't have done that.

What.... Her voice trails off but I notice she is now looking at her legs like they could attack her. Could she have forgotten she was human entirely?

"You are like us," I motion to me and my brothers. "We are wolf shifters. That means we have both a wolf form and a human form." I can see her trying to process the foreign words. Her eyebrows scrunched together quite adorably if I do say so myself.

Two-legged are human? I can't help but smile at the serious look on her face. She must have her own terms for things.

"Yes, two-legged are humans. You are human," I say motioning to her. She examines her human body before looking back at me. She shivers slightly but I still notice it. Before I can say anything though I feel North move behind me. "Are you cold?" I ask making sure to add a little fake shiver on cold.

Cold. She confirms. North comes up behind me handing me one of his black t-shirts.

"This is a shirt. It will help you be warm and not cold," I explain handing the shirt to her. She takes it hesitantly before looking back at me.

Shirt. Not cold...warm?

"Yep, see I'm not cold," I say holding out my own shirt. She stares at my shirt and then glances at Sean's and North's. I can see the wheels turning in her head. She looks down at the shirt and back up to me.

Help? She asks me. I nod and gently take the t-shirt from her hands. Slowly I work the shirt over her head and help her pull her arms through. I step back once I'm done. She picks at the shirt a look of wonder on her face. If shirt is enough to amaze this girl I can't wait to see her reaction to pancakes. Speaking of food she looks awfully skinny. 

"Are you hungry?" I ask her. She looks up from her shirt to meet my eyes. I can tell she doesn't fully understand. "Do you want to eat something?" I ask again mimicking eating something. She nods slightly as if she doesn't know if its what she is supposed to do. 

I'm on it. North tells me before making his way out of the room. Poor girl is probably used to hunting in the wild and now she is going to be subjected to North's healthy torture session. Doc seems to be thinking along the same lines as I see him follow closely after North. I can hear them bickering about what to make but I ignore it and focus back on my cupcake. 

"Do you want to come sit on the couch? It's pretty comfortable, much more so than the floor."

Couch? She tilts her head again. I should take a picture. She looks so innocent and cute. I get up and walk to the couch slowly so to not startle her. 

"This is a couch. You sit on it," I say while I demonstrate sitting down. She watches me closely as if studying me. She stays like that for a while and I don't think she'll ever move when suddenly she leans forwards onto her feet. Walking on all fours she slowly makes her way to the couch stopping every few steps to take in her surroundings. She is behaving like a wolf. There's no telling how long she has been one. She finally makes it to the couch. She sniffs it a little before climbing onto the cushions. She curls up into the corner on her side. I can almost feel her body relax into the soft cushions. 

Comfortable. I smile. 

"Yep, this is one of my favorite nap spots. North usually gets on to me when I fall asleep on it but it's so comfy I can't help it sometimes. He's just a big stickler for everything healthy. Apparently I can twist my spine or something from it but it hasn't happened yet, right?" I ramble. I don't even notice I'm doing it. Maybe I should cut down on the sugar. Gah, where did that thought come from because it needs to go back now. No one can take my sugar away. No one. 

I glance over at the small girl curled up on the couch. Her eyes are closed and her breaths have evened out. I've literally put a girl to sleep with my talking. North's going to have a field day with this one. 

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