Games and Guns

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Sang POV

"But first we need to get you more clothes," Gabriel states pulling me out of the kitchen.

No pants. I state shaking my head. He laughs and just continues to pull me along.

"I know, no pants. I think I have an alternative that you may like." He pulls me into his bedroom and sits me on the bed before going over to some bags against the wall. I feel curious watching him. He pulls out a couple of items and hands them to me. "This is your shirt and this is a skirt. It shouldn't be as restrictive as pants." He states handing them to me.

After he shows me how to put them on he leaves but I can still feel him through the door. I quickly work the shirt on and then pull the skirt up like he showed me. The top is stretchy and fits around me snug but the rest of the material flares out ending just above my knee. I swish it around a little liking the movement. Definitely much better than pants. I walk to the door and open it for Gabriel.

I think I like skirts. I state swishing it around again.

"I'm glad," he says tucking my shirt into the skirt. He says it is more in style this way. I just nod along not really understanding but I trust him. Once he is done we both head back downstairs. Kota, Luke, and Victor are all positioned around the coffee table with some boxes in front of them that I have never seen. Gabriel and I head over and join them sitting down on the couch. I glance around and notice them staring.

"Do you like your skirt?" Kota asks me breaking the silence. I nod and smile big pulling at the ends of it. It is a pale yellow color that reminds me of a sunrise.

"So cupcake, we are going to introduce you into the world of board games," Luke starts. I nod my head along as he explains the various games he brought. I don't really understand the rules but Kota says they'll help me. Soon we have the first one set up and ready to play. It's called Sorry according to Luke. It took a few rounds but I finally understood it though Kota ends up winning. We go on to play many more games. I don't think I've ever laughed or smiled this much especially during twister. That is the only one that I won. The others were very impressed I think. But their faces did that color thing again. I really need to ask what that is.

We are just picking up Twister when Silas, North, and Nathan walk in.

"I head I missed quite the eventful morning," Silas says coming up to me and hugging me tightly. I sigh and hug him back. He really gives the best hugs though don't tell the others that. I don't want them to feel bad. After he lets go I step back and look at the other two who both look troubled.

"Sang baby are you mad about this morning?" North asks. I shake my head.

You were only caring about me. I look at Kota feeling like I didn't quite get the right word.

"Concerned," he supplies. I nod.

You were only concerned about me. Want to play with us? I ask. Nathan nods and joins the group but North just smiles and shakes his head.

"I've got to do some stuff with Silas. Maybe next time." The two of them head over and sit at the small table. I feel a little disappointed but don't let it show. I sit back down with the others listening in as they debate on the next game.

"What about tag?" Luke asks getting excited. The others shoot down the idea but it sticks in my mind. I feel like I've heard it before. An image flashes across my mind. I watch from high above some children running around in the street yelling 'tag you're it' randomly when a certain person touches another. Immediately I'm back in the living room. I glance around trying to calm my beating heart, no one seems to have noticed. I calm down but can't get rid of the feeling of being alone. I really wanted to play tag with them. Why couldn't I? I tune back into the conversation realizing they are still arguing.

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