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Sang POV

I press down on one of the small objects jumping at the sudden, loud sound. I dart under the bench peaking back up at the huge monster. What is it? Hesitantly I inch back out. I sit back down on the seat staring at it. It hasn't moved since I've found it. Maybe it's friendly. I reach back out placing my hand onto it. The objects go down immediately and a cacophony of sounds blare in the small room even louder than before. I jump again snatching my hand back. Tilting my head I study it. I think I see a pattern. I reach out to the right and press one down. A very deep sound echoes in the room. I reach out to the left and press one down. A very high sound echoes in the room. Now that I'm use to the volume of the sound. I kind of like it. It feels familiar somehow, like I've heard it before.

I'm very glad I decided to go exploring this morning. Everyone seemed preoccupied and I didn't want to be in the way, so I decided to go on an adventure. Shortly into my adventure I found this room. It has a bunch of objects I don't recognize some have silver bands but this one is definitely the largest. It shined in the sunlight streaming in through the large windows. Immediately I was drawn to it. I just wasn't expecting it to make such a loud noise.

I press a few other ones before combining some. Some sound good together. I like it. Others don't though. I wince at the bad combinations. Is it a puzzle?

"Sang?" I hear a voice ask. I jump around surprised. Victor stands in the doorway staring at me. His stare is so intense. Did I do something wrong? Am I not allowed in here? Is he mad?

I'm sorry. I just found this place. I can leave. I tell him quickly standing up. I try to move fast but my foot catches on the bench sending my sprawling onto the ground. Ow!

"Sang are you okay?" Victor asks rushing over to me. I nod as he helps me stand up. I keep my head down worried. "Sang, what's wrong? You're not in trouble." I glance back up taking in the honest expression on his face. Immediately I relax. I'm not in trouble.

What is it? I ask pointing to the large object behind me. He glances at it before looking back to me.

"It's a piano. Do you remember it from before?" I shake my head. It seems familiar but I don't remember ever seeing one before.

What does it do?

"You make music with it," Victor explains. Music. How do you make music with that?


"Here, I'll show you," he states moving toward the object. He sits down to one side motioning to me. I sit down beside him, close enough to just barely touch him. "These are called keys. You can press them in different combinations at different times to create a melody." He reaches out his hands arranging them on the keys like he's done it a million times before. He looks down at me and I meet his eyes. I gasp a little at the fire I see in them. Everything seems to pause for a second and then he moves.

He presses on the keys one after another. A familiar sound develops as he moves. The melody, as he calls it, is beautiful. It echoes around the room. It's like nothing I ever remember hearing. I sway slightly on the bench. It feels like the music is moving through me. I feel...emotion. The seems happy at one point and sad at another. How can music have emotions? I see flashes in my mind. Snap shots of something I don't remember. All too soon, he stops. Silence fills the room. I stare at him in shock.

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