Pants and Pancakes

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Sang POV

I feel so comfortable. Something warm is next to me. I curl even tighter to it. My paws push against the soft floor. Wait, that's not the ground. My eyes pop open as the past day's events flash through my mind. I glance up to see I'm curled into Kota's side who appears to be asleep on the floor. I lay my head back down as I go back through my memories.

I remember heading for the shower with Nathan and Gabe but something about it made me uneasy. Then all of a sudden I wasn't there anymore. I was in a different room with a different shower. I could hear someone, a woman, yelling at me. She scared me. The water was too hot and my throat was burning. I shiver slightly as I try to shake off the memories.

The next thing I remember is waking up to see a hand coming toward me. Out of instinct I must have changed back to my wolf form. I vaguely remember sinking my teeth into something before I darted under the bed. I focus hard trying to remember. Oh no! Silas, I bit Silas! What if he's mad at me? I hope he's okay. I tentatively stand up and away from Kota. When he doesn't stir I head towards the door. Thankfully it's not closed so I nudge it open and slowly step out into the hall. I hear noises coming from the right so I head that way. The noises get louder the closer I get.

I peak around the corner and take in the room before me. It's the room I was in before when I woke up after the log. Some of the other humans are in various places around the room. I notice Gabe sitting on one of the chairs. Luke walks back into another room followed by North. Owen sat at a table with Sean. But my eyes stop once they land on Silas who is sitting back on the couch. I find myself staring at the white material covering his hand. I did that.

I walk out softly my ears back, tail down. Instantly I feel everyone's eyes on me. I ignore them solely focused on Silas's hand. I walk up to him stopping a few feet away. I whimper slightly as I slowly approach. I glance up quickly to meet his eyes. They look sad which makes me whimper more. He shouldn't be sad. I made him sad. I finally reach him and nudge him with my nose.

"What's wrong, Sang?" he asks rubbing my head. I shake his hand off not feeling deserving of the affection. I turn to look at his hand giving it a soft lick trying to convey my feelings. He chuckles rubbing my head again. "I'm fine, Sang. It's okay. You were scared, I understand."

I jump up beside him on the couch and curl up into his side. My chest hurt thinking about the pain and sadness I caused to someone who has taken care of me. I finally glance at the others to see them still staring at me.

"How are you feeling, Sang?" asks Sean once I meet his eyes.

Bad. Instantly he stands up and makes his way over to me.

"What do you mean? What hurts?" he asks bending down so that he is the same level as me. I nudge Silas's hand slightly and whimper. Can't he see that Silas is hurt? That I hurt him?

"You feel bad because of Silas's hand?" I whimper in agreement giving it another small lick.

"Sang, you were scared and felt threatened. His hand will be fine. You shouldn't feel bad." I don't say anything back but just curl even more into Silas's side. Sean moves back to the other side of the room as Silas begins to pet my fur. Suddenly footsteps sound down the hall from where I came. Kota bursts into the room a frantic look on his face.

"Sang's gone!" he exclaims surveying the room. Once he sees me, he relaxes instantly. "You had me worried there." The others laugh slightly and Kota's cheeks begin to color. He sits down and relaxes with the others. As Silas continues to pet me I feel myself start to relax even more. I begin to picture my human side curious as to its differences from theirs when all of a sudden I feel my body shift. It is painless and fast this time. Suddenly I am back in human form cuddled up next to Silas's lap.

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