A Report

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***Please read not at bottom for special details:)

North POV

Hunters. F***ing hunters. They attacked her, shot her, and threw her in a "burning" cage, a f***ing silver cage. Rage pounds in my veins and the only thing keeping me together is holding her in my arms. I stare at her, her breaths evened out a while ago but I can't leave. I have to know she is safe. My wolf is restless as well, wanting nothing more than to hunt down the b*****ds that dared to harm her.

I will never forget how she looked at me. She had so much fear in her eyes. I never want to see that look again especially not directed at me. I know I can be scary and rough around the edges but I never want her to be scared of me. The rest of the world I couldn't care less about what they think of me. Let them be scared but not her, never her.

I know my brothers are just as rattled as me. First, the vague references to a 'bad woman' and now these comments about 'bad men' with guns, what all has this poor girl been through. I mean, none of our lives have been entirely rainbows and sunshine either but the more I learn about her past the more it seems to be on a whole other level of rough.

Her breath catches in her sleep as her face scrunches. I pull her closer slightly rubbing what I hope are comforting circles on her back. She snuggles into my chest and settles back into a deep sleep. I have the feeling that if I'm not there she is going to have some rough nightmares about her past. That's what happens to me at least. Every time I get a flashback, the following night is filled with memories that I have tried long and hard to forget. For some reason, my gut is saying she is the same.

I rest my chin on her head and breathe in her scent. This is the closest I've let someone get to me in a while. But with her I don't mind. I don't know what that means yet but right now my beast and I just need to know she is safe. We will protect her from anything and everything, even from the past, even from bad dreams.

How is she doing, Mr. Taylor Jr.? I hear Mr. B ask over the pack link.

She is sleeping now. Every time I move she seems to start having a nightmare though.

That's fine, just keep her resting. We will have the meeting over the link. Slowly but surely I feel everyone's presence in my head like a comforting hum.

Mr. Lee, Report.

We spent the majority of the day introducing Sang to various board games. We were discussing what game to play next when she initiated a game of tag. She ran out into the back yard and we followed. North and Silas remained inside as they were not participating. During this game, she doubled back to the house. He pauses obviously waiting for me or Silas to continue. Before I can Silas beats me to it.

We were cleaning our weapons when Aggele mou came running back in. She ducked behind us and told us to hide her. We moved accordingly and she rested. Then she seemed to finally notice the guns and it sent her into a panic. She looked so terrified. Before we could move Nathan and Kota were already there.

We couldn't find her outside so we thought she might have doubled back. We entered the room just in time to see her shoot away from Silas and North. I didn't know what had her terrified so I relocated her. Nathan adds.

She was having a severe panic attack. I finally got her to calm down enough to inform us that she has been shot before by a gun, chased, and thrown in a 'burning cage' by 'cruel men'. I would assume this cage and the bullet were silver which would indicate hunters. Kota finishes.

She does have a scar on her stomach that would be consistent with a bullet wound. Sean states. I glance down at her covered stomach stopping a growl in my throat. I pushed the anger back. I cannot wake her up. She needs to rest.

I don't know how but from what she said I think she was able to break free, attack the hunters, and escape. She was worried about being 'bad' because she had hurt them. We need to make sure that she knows the difference between a justified and an un-justified attack. She shouldn't feel guilty for surviving. Kota adds. I completely agree with him. She shouldn't feel guilty for anything she did to those b******ds. I know what I would have done would have been ten times worse than anything she could have done. I feel my wolf chuckle darkly at the aspect of that. I push him back, we can try to track them down later.

I'm also concerned about the relationship between her and her wolf. They seem to be unified instead of two separate but connected beings. This isn't that surprising considering she has been living as a wolf for years most likely. As we bring out her human side, they should differentiate but we need to keep an eye on the situation. Sean adds. I feel my wolf agree with his statement. I just hope she can handle when that happens. It will be quite the adjustment.

From what we have discovered of her past, it is safe to say that Miss Sang has been through a lot. We need to be careful of any other possible triggers. We also need to help her through these memories and experiences. It is not healthy to just suppress it which I believe is what she is doing. We need to help her work through and deal with it. We need to show her that it is no longer just her burden to bear. Mr. Morgan what have you been able to find.

Nothing. Without a last name or even a specific area to search, I haven't been able to find anything about her at all. There are just too many unknowns.

I think we should begin the process for adopting her if that is what everyone wants. Where does everyone stand?

She's one of us now. Luke states with such fierce determination unlike him. Everyone, including myself, agrees almost instantly. I glance down at the small blonde. She is definitely one of us now and we are never letting her go.

Very well, I will start the paperwork. Keepworking to build trust and showing her normal social behavior. She watches usand learns from us. Remember this. North keep her resting, if you need toswitch out link one of us and if there are any changes link me immediately. Isend him my affirmative before I feel everyone else move out of the link. Ifollow suit staring at the small girl in question. I don't know about her past butwhatever it is I- no we will protect her from all of it. She's one of us now.She's pack whether she wants to be or not. 

***I know it's super short but I should have more up soon and I wanted to get the below posted. 

**********Soooo this story is rapidly approaching 5k reads and 1k votes which is blowing my mind just so everyone is aware. I want to do something for you guys once we hit either of those marks soooo I have decided that I will post other POVs of previous scenes that you guys want so comment them here!! Seriously, comment now!

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