A Report

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Nathan POV

I notice Sang becoming tense as we approach the shower but I just chalk it up to nerves. Who knows if she has ever seen one before, right? I did not expect for her to drop like a rock. Thankfully I have pretty good reflexes and manage to catch her on the way down.

Doc! I shout through our link as Gabe turns off the shower. I glance up at him and can tell he is just as worried. What happened? I hear footsteps approach the bathroom quickly. Doc barges in banging the door on the wall in the process. It only takes him a second to comprehend the situation. Once he does he heads straight for me and kneels beside the now unconscious girl.

"What happened?" he asks seriously in full doctor mode. Any trace of my flirty, carefree brother is gone.

"We were headed to the shower when all of a sudden she just dropped," I explain looking down at the girl.

"Like a f***ing rock, Doc. I felt her tense but I just thought it was because the shower was probably f***ing new, ya know?" adds Gabe.

"Well, let's move her to a bed instead of the floor and I'll check her over but it appears she fainted whether from stress or exhaustion or something else we won't know till she wakes up." I carefully pick her up and stand straight. The guys clear a path straight through to the nearest bedroom which just so happens to be mine. Thank goodness I cleaned it the other day. I push the door open and head over to the bed. Gently I lay her down and move the covers over her before turning back to my brothers.

"Gentlemen let's head into the living room for a family meeting. We have many things we need to discuss," Mr. B states before heading that way. Everybody follows until I am the last one left in my room. Closing the door I take one last second to glance back at this mysterious girl. Man she looks small in my bed, like a peanut.

Everybody is already seated once I get to the room. I take the empty spot on the couch and look to Mr. B like everyone else waiting for him to start.

"Mr. Lee, Report," he commands focusing on our Beta.

"Luke and I had just gotten back from the mission when we detected a foreign scent coming from the woods in the front of the house. I linked North and Silas and they met us outside. Once they confirmed it was a foreign shifter scent we approached the area. We found the source of the scent coming from a hollow log. North heard a bear approaching and managed to scare it away, and then we turned our attention to the log," Kota explains before gesturing to Luke. "Luke made the first contact and tried to coax the shifter out of the log. Not long after Silas found blood seeping from the log where the shifter was located. Then North proceeded to split the log open from above so that the shifter could be retrieved and receive medical care. She passed out right as we got her out and then Doc arrived and took over."

"She was in bad shape, Owen. That bear got her good in the side and she lost a lot of blood. She is also malnourished and dehydrated. She'll need rest and to take it easy but she should have no problem making a full recovery." We all sigh in relief at the news. She could, no she will get better because now she has all of us to lean on.

"Mr. Taylor Sr. report." Luke shifts in his seat indicating the ever present sugar high.

"Since she saw me the most before she passed out, when I noticed her waking up I stayed and offered her water. She seemed terrified of me but slowly I began to build some trust. I started talking to her and all of a sudden she nudged my nose with hers. I think it was her way of saying thanks." He gets this dreamy look on his face before continuing. "I tried to get her to shift but she didn't seem to know what that meant, and once she did she seemed shocked and terrified of it. I don't think she knew she was part human. I think she has been in wolf form for a very long time." I can't even imagine that. Being in wolf form all the time is a hard way to survive.

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