Boo and Bad Words

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Sang POV

Once I see the light peeking into the room I jump out of bed and head for the hall. I have been with the others for a while now and I've learned lots. I can now walk just fine on my own which is an accomplish I'm quite proud of. Now I can explore without having to have one of them with me. Not that I don't like them I just feel like I need them a little too much sometimes. I'm beginning to understand more of what they do though so that's good. I think.

I creep out into the hall glancing both ways. I don't see or hear anyone so I head towards my favorite room: the kitchen. Apparently I kept waking up 'too early' or at least that's what Kota told me. I made a deal with him that I won't get up until the sun is awake. With that in mind I make my way into the kitchen. A large body wearing all black stands before me their back turned. Thinking about what Luke was teaching me the other day I walk up behind them slowly keeping my footsteps quiet like he showed me.

Boo! I shout into their head once I get directly behind them. I've also gotten better at directing my voice to only certain people.

"F***!" North exclaims jumping around. I begin to giggle at the look on his face. Luke was right, pranking is fun.

"Sang baby, don't listen to what my idiot brother teaches you," North scolds me. I ignore him. I like what Luke and Gabriel teach me. Gabriel is working on my vocabulary as he calls it but every time I try out one of the new words the others get upset. Finally calmed down North turns back to what he was doing before but freezes as he looks me up and down. I look down at myself confused. I sigh realizing what is 'wrong'. I personally don't think it's wrong but they won't listen to me.

"Baby," North huffs out the frustration clear in his voice as he turns his eyes to the ceiling, "Why are you not wearing any pants?"

I don't like pants. I state moving around the counter to sit on a stool but North stops me before I make it. I wear the underwear that Gabriel gave me that should be enough for them. I feel confined in clothes as it is. 

"You need to go put pants on," he states. I shake my head and dart past him sitting on the stool in triumph. He stares at me. I lock eyes with him and refuse to back down. Finally he sighs running a hand through his hair. "Fine, what do you want for breakfast?"

Pancakes! I cheer happily. He stares at me for a moment more before going to say something but is cut off as someone else enters the room.

"Good morning, Pookie!" Sean greets as he walks in his pajamas. "What are we doing for breakfast?"

Pancakes! I cheer into both of their heads. Sean's eyes widen in surprise as he turns to North. I look to the dark giant as well. Thinking back to what Gabriel taught me, I dip my head slightly forward and look up at him slightly sticking my bottom lip out. Gabriel called it a pout. I don't know why but he said it would help me get my way and I really want some more pancakes.

"Fine! But you are having fruit with them and you have to go put pants on," North negotiates. Sean flips his head around looking at me before turning his eyes back to North.

"Pookie, I thought we talked about why pants are important," he says showing the same frustration as North. This might not have been the first time I have refused to wear pants nor would it be the last. I hate how restrictive they are. Not knowing what to say I turn my pout to him. North chuckles a little as Sean's face turns pained before turning to grab the familiar ingredients. I'm practically bouncing in my seat as he prepares them. Sean sits beside me but I can't help but notice that he keeps his distance and doesn't really look at me. Did I make him mad?

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