**Special POV-No Pants**

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North POV

I take another big gulp of the steaming hot coffee before setting the mug down. I'm not usually the first one up but that nightmare last night had other plans. I hadn't had one in so long but it still affected me the same which really pisses me off. I notice the sun is just starting to rise. That means Sang Baby will be up soon. Maybe I'll be able to get some alone time with her. With everyone else crowding her, it's been fairly difficult recently.

Boo! I hear a tiny voice shout in my head.

"F***!" I exclaim jumping around immediately on the defensive only to find a grinning Sang Baby. She starts to giggle just like a certain annoying person I know.

"Sang baby, don't listen to what my idiot brother teaches you," I scold her. She of course ignores me. I'm going to have to have a talk with him and probably Gabe too. There is no telling what kind of an influence they are being on her. She's come so far since we first found her but she still has a long way to go. I turn back to grab my mug but certain pale legs catch my eye. Where are her pants? Instantly I feel a little uncomfortable and shift slightly. I notice her follow my gaze. We've already talked to her about this. She of course has no idea why a house full of males would prefer the only female to wear pants and I for one am not having that conversation with her. I direct my gaze upward trying to find something distracting other than Sang Baby's legs. At least she didn't fight us on underwear. But is it really so hard to wear pants? What are we going to do with this girl?

"Baby," I growl, "Why are you not wearing any pants?"

I don't like pants. Of course she doesn't. Liking pants would be too easy. She says they are too restrictive and I mean after living solely as a wolf for years I could see how one might feel this way. But I just can't take a pantless Sang Baby. A person only has so much control. She heads for a stool at the counter but I stop her before she can make it.

"You need to go put pants on," I state. She shakes her and head and darts past me making it to the stool. She flashes me a triumphant look that I have to say is pretty adorable but I'm not budging. She locks eyes with me staring in challenge. I'm torn between proud and aroused. She was so scared of me before and now she's standing up to me with no one else around. F***. I sigh running my hand through my hair. I'm budging. "Fine, what do you want for breakfast?"

Pancakes! She exclaims happily in my head. Stupid Luke getting her hooked on stupid sugary, unhealthy pancakes. That's all she ever wants to eat. I open my mouth to try and talk her into some eggs and bacon only to be interrupted.

"Good morning, Pookie!" Sean greets as he walks in in his pajamas. "What are we doing for breakfast?"

Pancakes! She exclaims again. Sean's eyes widen in surprise as he turns to look at me. I meet his eyes telling him silently my view on the subject. When I turn back to Sang Baby to tell her no I freeze. Who the h*** taught her that? Her head is dipped slightly forward and she is looking up at me with her kissable bottom lip stick out slightly. She is f***ing pouting at me. F***.

"Fine! But you are having fruit with them and you have to go put pants on," I negotiate. Sean flips his head around looking at Sang before turning his eyes back to me. I meet them and see the same frustration that I myself feel. Welcome to the club, Doc.

"Pookie, I thought we talked about why pants are important."

Watching as she turns her pout to him, I let a chuckle slip out as Sean's face turns pained before turning to grab the familiar ingredients. I have to hold back another chuckle watching her bounce up and down in her seat. She needs to be careful though. She could fall. I notice Sean taking a seat beside her but at a distance. Smart man. Though I'm not sure that will help him any.

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