Aggele Mou

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Sang POV

A loud boom startled me awake. I look out the window with wide eyes. Rain is pouring down. Suddenly a flash of light illuminates the room. I jump up trying to unwrap myself from the unrelenting covers as quickly as possible. Not again. I feel my body start to tremble and can do nothing to stop it. Another loud boom sounds, this time closer shaking the entire house. I whimper as I run out of the room. My vision blurs with tears. I don't even know where I'm going. I just know I need to get away. I need to find shelter.

I dash into the living room, the sound of the rain clearer. Another flash of light shines through all of the windows. I dart forward and dive under the table just in time. I whimper as the house shakes again due to the loud noise. Is the house stable enough for this? Do I need to wake the others?

At these thoughts I try to stand but the trembling of my body has me falling back down. I curl up into myself trying to calm the raging storm of fear that is building. Why does it have to be so loud? Tears run down my face and quiet sobs escape even as I try to hold them back.
                 "Aggele mou?" I hear a soft voice call out. I'm too consumed in fear to respond. "Aggele mou?" the voice calls out closer. Another boom shakes the house. My breaths become faster and faster. Why is this happening? I start to see black spots when suddenly a large, warm hands touches my shoulder. I jerk my head up, coming face to face with Silas. He stares at me with such sad eyes.

"Aggele mou, it's okay,' he states before wrapping his arms around my small body. He pulls me onto his lap and hugs me tightly. I'm so small compared to him, it feels like he is a shield keeping all the bad things away. "Breathe, Aggele mou, you're okay. Nothing's going to harm you here." Slowly my breaths even out as he continues to whisper reassurances to me. I can still hear the thunder going on in the background but it's like Silas has transported me to another world. He pulls me away from him slightly so that we can see each other.

"Feeling better?" he asks. I nod sniffling a little as I wipe my cheeks. "Aggele mou, you know you can always come to me or any of the others if you're scared or nervous." I nod snuggling back into his chest. He chuckles a little before holding me tighter.

"I know it is loud but the thunderstorm cannot harm you in this house. We built this place ourselves so I know how strong it is. If you were outside you might need to be worried but inside you are safe, okay Aggele mou?" I nod into his chest again. I feel better now about this house but it doesn't stop the anxiety completely.

"Why are you scared of the storm, Aggele mou?" Silas asks.

It was always so loud and bright outside. There was nowhere to hide in the forest.

"Yeah, but that's not the only reason is it?" I freeze. How could he possibly have guessed that? "You're still shaking every time there is thunder. It's more than just a fear of having no shelter. You have shelter now but you are still afraid." I shake my head pushing back the images that always come when I hear thunder.

"Aggele mou?" I take a deep breath, breathing in his ocean scent.

I remember being in a room. The storm was so loud, everything was loud. I was so scared. I couldn't get out. Door locked. I explain as quickly as I can. The tears falling again as a sob breaks free. He holds me tights and rocks me back and forth until I'm able to calm back down.

"Aggele mou, that will never happen to you again," Silas declares. "Every time there is thunder or a storm, I will protect you." I think I feel safer in Silas's arms than I have in my entire life. He hums softly into my hair as my breaths once again even out. Even though I haven't known him for that long, I know that he is telling the truth. He is my protector who can chase all of the bad away. My Silas.

Silas POV

                My Silas. Her voice whispers just as she falls asleep. My heart warms at the comment because I am undoubtedly and irrevocably wrapped around her little finger. I scope her fragile body up in my arms and make my way back to the hall. My blood burns at the thought of everything that has happened to her. My sweet, Aggele mou.

                I place her back in her bed carefully before going over to the other side. I promised I would protect her and protect her I will. I pull off the shirt I threw on when I heard her earlier. I turn to the bed when something catches my eye. I glance over and notice a mirror in the corner of the room but that's not what did it. My eyes widen in shock. There is just enough moonlight peeking in for me to see a mark form on the right side of my chest. It appears to be some sort of light gray vine or flower circling in on itself to form...a heart. I glance back at the beauty lying in my bed and then back to the mark.

                I throw the t-shirt back on and climb in. She immediately snuggles into my warmth. I can't help but smile at how cute she is. I try to fall asleep but my mind won't turn off. What is this mark? Is it what I think it is? If so, what does that mean for my pack? This just got a whole lot more complicated.

***Sorry for the wait and that this is kind of short. I should be updating more in the next few weeks. I have finals next week but after that I will be on break and I plan to finish up both of my active stories! As always tell me what you think, vote, comment, etc. H

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