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Sang POV

"Pookie! Get up!" A very cheerful voice exclaims loudly next to my ear. I startle up only to come face to face with Sean. I relax back onto the bed as Nathan groans while rolling over. Sean smiles at me bouncing on the top of his feet. If I didn't know any better I would think that he was Luke on one of his sugar highs.

What's wrong? I ask worried.

"Nothing's wrong! You get to hang out with me all day!" he exclaims. I smile wide at the thought. I haven't had a chance to really hang out with Sean other than when he was checking my injuries. "Now get up and get dressed. North and Luke have already started breakfast."

Where are we going? I ask standing up.

"You are going to accompany me to work!" he exclaims. I can't help but laugh at his enthusiasm. It's infectious.

Work? I ask tilting my head slightly.

"Yep, you are going to be my nurse for the day," he states before heading for the door. "Now get ready!"

Once the door closes I jump into action digging in my drawers for one of the outfits Gabriel put together. Nathan stays on the bed. I think he might need some more sleep. I hope I didn't keep him awake last night when I couldn't sleep. A thought pops into my head. I hope North is okay. He was up late with me and is already up making breakfast. Maybe he'll be too slow to stop me from stealing extra pancakes. The thought excites me into moving faster and soon I am headed downstairs ready to seize the day.


Good news, bad news. Good news I get to ride in a car again to go to Sean's work which is at something called a hospital. Bad news North was not tired enough to miss me sneaking extra pancakes. But it's okay. Luke promised to make me some later for what he called a midnight snack.

It doesn't take long to reach this hospital but on the way Sean explained a little about it. Apparently it is where people come to fix their hurts and doctors like Sean help them like he helped me. I'm excited to be able to help out. I feel like they have all done so much for me but I never really do anything for them.

Once we arrive Sean directs me through the doors and to something called an elevator. It scared me at first but I like it. We didn't have to take the stairs. Then he led me to his office. Apparently he has to do some paperwork before making his rounds. I don't really get it but there's enough new stuff to keep me preoccupied.

Now I'm sitting in a chair looking around at all of the books and various things around his office. I haven't told him but ever since we entered the hospital I've had this feeling in my stomach. It isn't a very pleasant feeling. I don't really know what it is but I feel slightly uneasy. Something about the white walls and everything seems familiar or something. I don't know. I don't want to ruin this day with Sean though so I'm just going to ignore it and hope it goes away.

"Okay, Pookie. Ready to go make the rounds?" asks Sean as cheerful as ever. I nod happily and stand up following him out of the room. He goes from room to room and patient to patient with ease. It's like he was born to do this. Unfortunately, as I go from room to room and patient to patient the uneasy feeling just grows. I don't know what to do.

We exit the last room and step into the hall just as the elevator opens. A woman steps out with a smaller sick looking child walking beside her. The child is crying.

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