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Sang POV

I wake up slowly savoring the warmth around me. I peak my eyes open to find myself snuggled into a chest. I follow it up to see North still asleep. I take a moment to appreciate how much less scary he looks asleep. His arm is wrapped around my waist. I want to stay but I have to get up to use the bathroom. I remember when Sean had to explain that to me. It is quite different as a human then it was as a wolf.

Slowly I wiggle my way out of his arms before making my way quietly out of the room and towards the bathroom. After I finish I make my way to the living room. Everyone still seems asleep. I sit down on the couch thinking back on what happened. The memories flash at me again but I think about North's embrace keeping me safe and push them away. I hope they still want me here. What if they make me leave? I don't want to go back to just living as a wolf. The two-legged people were not bad especially not these ones.

I feel a body sit down beside me and turn to look. Luke smiles back at me his hair messy.

"Good morning, Sugar! How are you?" he asks studying me intensely.

Good! I reply smiling. It is true. I feel much better after sleeping but I would be okay with never seeing a gun again.

"I'm glad! You know what will make you feel even better?" Luke asks with a twinkle in his eye. I shake my head. "Morning cartoons!" he whisper shouts at me. I giggle at his silliness. He gets up and turns on the black box. Images fill the screen. My eyes widen. They keep people trapped in there?! My horror must have showed because Luke laughs and turns back to me.

"It's all fake, Cupcake. They record this stuff before and then play the recording," he explains. I nod. That's interesting. Why do you watch it then? He starts something before bouncing back over and sitting next to me. I watch the images as a song starts playing.

'Scooby dooby doo, where are you? We need some help from you now...'

I'm entranced from the moment it starts. They have to find a ghost. Luke explains what a ghost it and it sounds really scary. They are pretty brave for chasing after one. I don't think I could do that. I laugh at Scooby and Shaggy's antics. Luke joins in too. As the first one ends, I turn to Luke. There has to be more, right?

"Want to watch another one, Cupcake?"

YES! I practically shout at him. He laughs again before starting another one. This one is a pirate. Luke had to explain that one too. It takes them awhile but they finally unmask the pirate. Scooby howls at the end and I can't help but want to as well. I jump up shifting, my clothes hanging off my wolf body but I don't care. I tilt my head up howling.

Scooby-dooby-doooooo! I glance over at Luke with a wolfy smile. He is laughing so hard his eyes are leaking! Before I can check on him, I hear multiple footsteps approaching. They can watch more Scooby Doo with us! I run over to greet them prancing in between their legs.

"Sang, Luke, is everything alright?" Kota asks out of breath.

"Yeah," Luke manages between laughs, "Sang really likes Scooby Doo." I bark in agreement my tail wagging hard. They all nod sleepily before heading back down the hall. I get a little sad at their leaving.

"I'll watch more with you, Cupcake," Luke states. I turn back and look at him. I nod and happily head back over to him. I shift back fixing my clothes and sit in front of the T.V waiting. He chuckles before coming to sit beside me starting the next one. We watch two more before my stomach growls. Luke chuckles and heads into the kitchen to make some breakfast. He gave me this remote, or at least that's what he called it. Scooby Doo ends but it doesn't start back up. I stare at the remote. Which button is it? I press one a random. An image pops up on the screen. It's not Scooby Doo and the words sound funny but it's pretty interesting. I set the remote down and decide to watch.

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