A Shadowhunter?

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I'm thinking about updating this on Thursdays, but I'm not sure because I start school next Thursday and I'll have to see if I can keep up with three books and school. 

Magnus' POV

I desperately needed a break from my current party. Yes, my parties are great, but sometimes my guests can be a bit... overwhelming. I escaped to my bedroom and sat at my vanity to touch up my makeup. It was possible for me to magic my makeup on and look perfect, but what's the fun in that, really? I also applied a fresh layer of glitter before walking back out to the party. There was a group of five people who had just arrived. I sauntered over to greet them. "Ah, children of the Nephilim. I don't remember inviting you." My eyes roamed over the group, stopping at the one with black hair and blue eyes. He was gorgeous. "Actually, you can stay, but only because of pretty boy there" I said with a wink. 

"Thank you, but no thanks" said the blonde one. 

I looked him up and down and scoffed, "I wasn't talking to you." He looked surprised. I saw the gorgeous man smile when he realized I was talking to him. I stepped toward him, "Come, let me get you a drink." He looked unsure. 

"Go Alec." The girl with the black hair nudged him toward me. I wrapped my fingers around his wrist and led him to my personal stash of alcohol that only I was allowed to touch. The boy, Alec, hesitantly took a sip from the glass I handed him. I noticed he was trying to look tough and not flinch as the alcohol burned down his throat. 

"Not much of a liquor guy are you?" I asked with a smile. 

"No, I mean, yes. It—it's fine." He emptied his glass and held it out to me for a refill. I raised an eyebrow to ask if he was sure, but he was persistent.

"Fine, but if you get drunk, it's your fault." I poured him another drink. 


I watched as Alec's eyes slowly opened. When he noticed where he was, he scrambled up and out of the bed. "Relax, Alexander. Nothing happened." 

"How did I get here?"

"You were drunk, and I didn't want you to do anything you'd regret, so I brought you up here. You immediately passed out. I promise, that's all that happened" I explained to the frantic Shadowhunter. He seemed to relax. 

"Uh, thanks, but I really have to get to the institute now."

I nodded, "Of course, go do your job, Shadowhunter." He went to leave. "Alexander!" I called. He turned to face me again. "Look, we didn't get to know each other very well last night. So, could I see you again?" A blush crept up his cheeks, making me smile. 

"Yeah, sure, I'd like that... a lot", he stammered before slipping out my bedroom door. A few seconds later, I heard him walk out the front door. I laid back, the smile still plastered on my face. Of all things to fall for, a shadowhunter. 

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