I Miss You

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So I fell asleep in my college algebra class on September 1st, and when I woke up, this was what I dreamt. I don't even know how my mind got from composing functions to this, but I couldn't wait another week to write it, so I'm doing a double update this week.

Alec opened the doors to the institute office. He'd been sparring with Jace to rid himself of the stress of Maryse's visit, but the sound of a portal being used within the institute. Alec left to see what was going on.

"Hello Alexander," a voice said from inside the office. Alec knew that voice, and there was only one person who ever called him Alexander.

"Magnus," Alec said while turning around. When he saw his boyfriend, though, his face instantly felt hot. He quickly closed the doors to prevent anyone else looking into the office. Magnus was sitting on his desk, wearing nothing other than a pair of small, tight boxers. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, you haven't been home in a while, so I figured I'd come visit you," Magnus said with a nonchalant attitude.

"And the outfit?"

"Oh, this?" Magnus gestured to the boxers.

"Yeah... that." Alec walked up to Magnus.

Magnus didn't answer, instead, he placed his hands on Alec's waist and pulled him into a kiss. Alec immediately kissed him back, but pulled away after only a few seconds, ending the kiss much too soon for Magnus.

"Okay, what's the real reason you're here?" Alec pushed a bit of Magnus' hair out of his eyes and then cupped his face with his hand.

"I missed you, and I want you to come home with me. I wore the boxers for persuasion," Magnus admitted. With a smile, Alec pulled him in for another kiss. The office doors opened, making Magnus and Alec quickly separate. Alec made sure to stand in front of Magnus so whoever it was wouldn't be able to see him, or his outfit for that matter.

"Alec, did you find out what that portal was about?" Maryse asked.

"Yeah, it was no big deal. I handled it," Alec quickly said.

Maryse sighed, "Was it that warlock that's behind your back?" Magnus cautiously looked over Alec's shoulder at Maryse.

Alec instantly fumed, "He's not just any warlock, Mom, he's my warlock, and his name is Magnus."

"He's distracting you from your duties."

"Please don't talk about him like he's not here. He wouldn't even be here if I wasn't constantly working instead of going home to him every night."

"Your home is here, Alec, darling. This is where you belong."

"That's where you're wrong, Mom. My home is with Magnus, we belong together." Alec could feel Magnus reach forward and interlock their fingers. The gesture calmed him down a little. "I am going home with Magnus tonight, and every night from now on."

"Out of all the guys in the world, you had to pick Magnus Bane?" Maryse sounded disappointed in her son.

"You can't stop yourself from falling in love. I've never felt this way about anyone, not even Jace."

"You were on the right track in life, Alec, until you met that warlock." She spat the last word before turning on her heels and walking out of the room, her heels clacking on the marble floor.

Alec turned back to Magnus, who was smiling. "You think we belong together?"

"You stupid warlock. Of course I do, I love you, Magnus." Alec's hands were now resting on Magnus' thighs.

"I love you, too." Magnus quickly pecked Alec's lips before continuing, "Ready to go home?"

"Yes, definitely. I've missed you, too."

Magnus hopped down from the desk and opened a portal, sending them back to his apartment. Alec already had his stele to his skin to draw a stamina rune, knowing he would need it.

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