Alec's Dominant Part 4

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So this was mainly written by TheDragonThatStayed because I was super busy, so I'd like to thank her for that and let everyone know that it wasn't just me working on it this time.

~ The Next Day ~

Alec hummed softly to himself as he made breakfast for Magnus, as well as a simple plate for himself. He had set the table and was finishing in making coffee when Magnus came into the kitchen, walking straight past him and over to the table.  "No affection for the rest of today and tomorrow," the Dominant had said to Alec last night. Alec had agreed to it, and he should've be able to deal with it; given that his own mother had raised him on what she had always called: 'Tough Love'.  Alec bit his lip and sat next to Magnus, putting the other man's coffee beside his plate. Magnus gave him a nod before drinking the coffee. Alec turned to his own plate and began eating.

The breakfast had been silent, much to Alec's discomfort; but he guessed that was part of his punishment— he was still new to this after all. Once he was finished, he looked over and saw that Magnus hadn't touched the food. 

"Go get ready to head to the Institute," Magnus suddenly said, gaining Alec's attention, "Dishes will still be in the kitchen when you get home for Lunch." He had said the command so coldly, Alec couldn't help but feel an ever growing pit in his stomach. 

"Yes Master," Alec answered him quietly before he got up and put his plate in the sink. He went to get ready to head to the Institute for work. When he came out of the bedroom, head to toe in his Shadowhunter attire, Magnus had moved himself to the living room. 

"I expect you home for lunch, Alexander," he said in a  monotoned voice, almost completely void of emotion. "I'll also be having a client from 1-3 this afternoon. So I expect you on your best behavior." 

"Yes, Master," Alec replied to the warlock, fixing his hold on his bow. Magnus gave him one look, and nodded at him, gesturing Alexander to make his leave. Alec then left the loft and hurried to work, the pit and sinking feeling in his stomach, getting bigger and heavier.


Once at the institute, Alec was approached by his mother who had a slight—no, usual scowl on her face. 

"Mother," he addressed her immediately. 

"When is Mr. Bane expecting you back?" she asked him. 

"By noon, for lunch," Alec replied. Maryse nodded. 

"I'll handle your paperwork for the day. I have a solo mission for you." 

Alec bit his lip. "May I ask why, mother?" 

"Isabelle and Jace are currently.. unavailable at the moment; something about both Isabelle's sub loosing his ring and Jace's sub trying to recreate it."

So it's not just me who's on punishment, Alec thought to himself. He nodded towards his mother and followed her as she gave him his instructions for his mission.


If Alec was anything at the moment, it was uncomfortable. His mission was to go to Idris and to accompany Ms. Lydia Branwell to a few clave meetings. Of course, it was a simple 'go-in, get out' sort of ordeal, but his source discomfort came from several looks of disgust aimed towards him; the worst of it being he had no idea as to why. It was when he finally got back to Magnus' apartment and felt the collar around his neck had he had realized. The clave doesn't approve of me being Magnus' submissive, he thought slightly bitterly to himself. He put his things away as he shook his head. He went to the kitchen to make lunch.

As he was cooking, he heard muffled conversations, Magnus was working with his client. Alec cooked up a simple recipe consisting of salmon and Alfredo noodles. The pit and heavy chest feeling Alec has earlier got even bigger when it dawned on him that he'd be having lunch alone. He ate his plate of lunch and saved a plate for Magnus, hoping his dominant would be hungry later. He cleaned up before noticing a note on the fridge. 'Alec,' the note read, 'Be sure to do these three chores for the afternoon:

Come into my office and dust around my booksDust and gently clean around my little trinketsClean other areas around the house: mainly the living room.'Alec bit his lip before grabbing a dust rag from one of the drawers and going to Magnus' office. He knocked first, knowing from experience that Magnus didn't like it when people just barged into his space.  

He listened for Magnus' muffled, "Enter!" before slowly and quietly entered the room. He saw the client sitting with Magnus at the Dominant's desk, a simple tea set between them as well as a few papers. Alec turned his attention to the book shelves and began cleaning.

"Ha! This is your submissive, Bane? They all should be treated as the slaves they are." Alec heard the client say, but he ignored it, as did Magnus. 

"He's like your pet! Look, he even has a collar, how cute...." the client said in a patronizing tone. 

"Alexander!" Magnus yelled, Alec turning to him immediately, remembering what and how Izzy and Jace taught him. 

"Yes, Sir?" he asked. 

"Get out!" Magnus growled with gritted teeth, his eyes never leaving his client. Alec couldn't see the client to tell what expression the man had, but due to the sudden change of atmosphere and the comments made, he'd guess it was a smirk of sorts. 

He bit his lip before nodding and giving Magnus the usual, "Yes, Master" before he hurrying from the room. He stood outside the door for a few seconds before he shook his head and began cleaning up the rest of the house.

Alec cleaned up the kitchen and living room before he made his way upstairs. Once he was upstairs and in his and Magnus' room, he stripped himself of his shirt folded it up, placing it on the bed. He then bit his lip and got himself into the presentation position he had learned. And he stood there, and waited. He waited for Magnus to enter the room; waited for his dominant to enter and discipline him for whatever the reason may be.

After he waited for what seemed like hours, he heard the door to the bedroom open. He didn't need to look up to know who it was. Magnus looked at his sub and bit his lip. He went so he stood in front of Alec. 

"Alexander..." He said softly, his sub's head lifting to make eye contact with him immediately. "What's wrong, Love?"

 Alec bit his lip before he opened his mouth and said: "I didn't mean to make you upset with me, Master. If I've done wrong in your eyes, punish me so. But by the Angel, do not treat me as if I'm undeserving of you; even if I know I'm not."

Magnus felt his heart sink. He frowned softly at Alec before he kneeing in front of him. He gently held Alec's cheek and let down his glamour. It had been around the second month that the two discovered that Alec found calmness and security in Magnus' golden cat-like eyes. Alec felt himself relax whatever unnoticed tensions he had within his muscles at the sight of Magnus' true eyes.

"Oh Alexander, you are deserving of me. I'm sorry if I made it seem like you weren't. You were on punishment and I kept finding it hard to keep myself from breaking."

Alec nodded at his Master's words. "I understand, Master."

Magnus smiled. "And I apologize that I snapped at you, my client had offended you and I didn't know how to deal with the rude comments."

Alec nodded. Magnus leaned down and kissed his forehead. 

"You know what?" he said, "I think you've served your punishment." He stood and gently helped Alec up. "How about we order take-out and spend the night watching movies?" He gently stroked Alec's cheek. Alec leaned into Magnus' touch and gently kissed the Warlock's hand.

 "I'd like that, Master."

 Magnus smirked softly, "Magnus will be fine for the evening." Alec smiled more and kissed him softly.

"Thank you, Magnus," he said happily. Magnus smiled and kissed him back. 

"Anything for you, my sweet Alexander." He wrapped his arms around the shadowhunter, enveloping him into a hug. "And you know I love you, right?"

"Yes, and I love you, too." 

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