Date Night

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Lol, I should probably study for my SAT retake on Saturday.

Suggested by: PrincessPeach211

Magnus' phone rang. He quickly picked up when he saw Alec's name. "Hello, Alexander," he said in the sultry voice he reserved for Alec.

"Hey, Magnus. I'm sorry, but I have to cancel date night. Something came up that I have to take care of." Alec sounded flustered.

"Okay, we'll try again next week," Magnus replied.

"Sounds good. I'll see you... sometime."

When he hung up the phone, Magnus became worried about his relationship with Alec. They've been dating for a couple months, and he's never cancelled a date before. Usually he drops everything to spend time with Magnus, which Magnus always teases him for. God, he was falling fast and hard for the Lightwood boy. Is it possible that the feeling wasn't mutual. What if he's cheating on me? Magnus thought to himself.

For the next couple hours, thoughts spiraled through Magnus' mind. He finally decided that if Alec wasn't cheating on him, he'd definitely still would want to see him tonight. Quickly, he dressed in on of his best outfits, donned a jacket, and walked out of the door.

He arrived at Alec's apartment an hour later. He'd been there before to pick Alec up for dates, but never went inside. He walked inside and knocked on Alec's apartment door. Mumbled voices could be heard from inside before the door opened. "Magnus?" Alec asked when he saw who knocked.

Magnus smiled, "I know you had to cancel, but I wanted to see you, so I figured I'd see if you were home," he rambled.

Alec smiled back, "I wanted to see you too. Come in." He stepped away from the door and Magnus walked in. In the living room, there was a small boy, no older than seven, sitting on the floor. An array of crayons was neatly spread out, and a piece of paper was covered in different colors. "Oh, Magnus, um..." Alec didn't know quite know what to say, "this is my son, Christopher."

"You have a son?" Magnus asked in surprise.

"I'll explain later, but he has autism, and he doesn't like loud noises," Alec explained.

Magnus nodded and pulled Alec in for a quick peck on the lips. "I love you," Magnus said.

"Love you too?" Alec replied, although he seemed confused on why the warlock said it at that moment.

The small boy looked up from his drawing. He seemed to take in Magnus for a couple seconds before getting up and walking over to Alec. "Daddy? Is he that man you always talk about?" he inquired.

Alec looked at Magnus, who was smiling, and blushed. "Yes, Christopher, this is Magnus," Alec explained to his son.

"Hello, Pumpkin," Magnus said to the child with a friendly smile.

Christoper giggled, "That's not my name!"

"Well, what is it then?" Magnus asked, placing his hands on his hips and playing along with Christopher.

"It's Christopher, but you can call me Chris," Christopher said with confidence.

"Alright, can you go clean up your crayons? It's time for bed," Alec said. Christopher nodded and quickly cleaned his mess. Magnus sat on the couch and watched as Alec went into full dad mode. His eyes roamed around the room, landing on a small toy on the coffee table. It looked as if it was handmade with wire. Magnus got back up and walked in the direction he saw Alec go with Christopher. "Do you like Magnus?" he heard Alec ask the boy.

"Yes, he's very sparkly," Christopher said.

"Yes, he is," Alec giggled, "Goodnight, buddy. See you in the morning." Magnus smiled at Alec when he came out of the room. They silently walked back to the living room and sat down.

Magnus was the first to speak, "I love your son. He's absolutely adorable, but why didn't you tell me about him?"

"Good, I was hoping you'd like him. I was worried to tell you about him because I had him after a one night stand. I have no idea how it was possible for me to have kids, but his other father doesn't even know about him. I didn't want to give him up, though. Even after I found out he has autism, I needed to keep him," Alec explained.

"Wow, my Alec has had a one night stand?"

"Shut up!"

"Seriously though, it's amazing that you kept him." There was a pause, "Another thing I gotta ask, what were you making here?" Magnus gestured to the wire toy on the coffee table.

"Oh, that. It's a toy that Chris can mess with to help him focus and calm down when he needs to. He has difficultly focusing for long periods of time."

Magnus scooted closer to Alec, "You're a great dad, Alexander."

"You think so?"

"Definitely. Maybe someday you and I will have our own kids..." Magnus suggested.

Alec giggled, "Maybe..."

"I'm guessing Christopher was the reason you had to cancel date night?"

"I couldn't find someone to watch him. I'm happy you came over, though."

"I'm happy I came over, too." Alec pecked Magnus' lips. Magnus pouted, "You're going to have to give me more than that. I saw you in full dad mode tonight, it was incredibly hot."

"Hotter than the first time you saw me shoot my bow?"

"Almost..." Magnus teased. Alec rolled his eyes, and kissed Magnus. Magnus pushed against Alec's lips until the shadowhunter was laying on his back with Magnus on top of him. Alec's fingers tangled into Magnus' hair, he could feel the glitter on the dark locks. Magnus softly moaned against Alec's lips as Alec pulled on his hair.

Suddenly, Alec push Magnus so he was just off of him, "I can't do this right now."

Magnus smiled at him, "I'm guessing you're concerned with Chris hearing us?"

"We'll almost definitely wake him," Alec giggled, "Stay with me tonight?"

"Of course." Magnus climbed off of Alec.

"I want this Mags, I really, really do, but you understand?"

"Completely. Let's go to bed. I want you to cuddle the hell out of me," Magnus purred.

Alec smiled and grabbed Magnus' hand, leading him back to his bedroom. They stripped down to their boxers once in the room. Magnus immediately climbed into Alec's bed. Alec put on a pair of sweatpants and an old shirt. He also got into bed next to Magnus. Magnus immediately moved so there wasn't any space between them. Alec wrapped his arms around the warlock and kissed his forehead. Just as they were drifting off to sleep, the door creaked open. Alec opened his eyes when soft footsteps led to the bed. "Daddy? I had a nightmare, can I sleep with you?" Chris whispered.

"Come on in," Alec whispered, making room for him. Of course, he climbed in and laid right in between Magnus and Alec. Alec reached across the boy to lock his fingers with Magnus'. "So much for cuddling," he whispered to Magnus over Christopher's head.

"Another time. He's more important, Alexander." Alec could tell by Magnus' tone that there was a smile on his face.

"I'm going to make this up to you," Alec promised.

"Next date night?"


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