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"What's wrong with you? Are you okay?" Magnus asked.

"I'm fine, Magnus, why are you being so pushy lately?"

"I care about you, Alec! You haven't been yourself lately. Something's up."

"You're crazy. I'm perfectly fine."

"You can't even see it! You've been really argumentative and moody for the last couple of weeks." Magnus began to raise his voice—something he never did with Alec.

"You're the one who always argues with me."

"Alec! You're literally arguing over arguing! Seriously, I love you, but I can't deal with this. I'll see you later." Magnus said with a tone of finality.

"Magnus, wait, don't —" Alec tried to stop Magnus, but stopped when he began to feel faint. Magnus turned around to see what was wrong, and watched Alec collapse to the floor. He quickly ran back to his boyfriend and held him in his arms.

"Alec? Alec, wake up!" When there was no answer, Magnus took Alec's phone out of his pocket and called Jace.

An hour later, Alec woke up. He was laying in the institute infirmary, but he had no recollection of how he got there. He looked around and saw Brother Enoch, Jace, and Magnus were also in the room. "Alexander!" Magnus exclaimed when he saw Alec had woken up. He walked over to Alec's bed and sat down. "I was so worried about you." He pecked Alec's lips.

"Mags, what happened, and how did I get here?" Alec asked. Jace had now made his way over to the bed.

"You passed out, but um... that's not all," Magnus answered.

"Is there something wrong?"

Magnus and Jace exchanged a look. "You should tell him, Magnus, it's your fault," Jace said with a smirk.

"What's your fault, Magnus? Just tell me."

"Alexander, you're....pregnant... with triplets." 

Alec was silent for a second, "How is this possible?"

"I'm not sure."

"I thought warlocks were sterile."

"I thought so too."

"None of this make sense!"

"I know, Alec, but it's happening, and we'll get through it. This also makes sense with how you've been feeling lately. I know something was wrong!"

Alec looked to Jace for help. "I could tell something was up, too." Jace shrugged, "But, I mean, Magnus is right, this is exciting, and we'll definitely be there for you."

Alec sighed, "Thanks guys. Jace, could I have a moment alone with Magnus?"


"Please don't tell anyone about this."

Jace put his hands up, "I won't."

"Not even Clary! Especially not Clary!"

"Aw, c'mon! You know she can read my face and tell I'm hiding something. It's like a freaking superpower, man."

Alec rolled his eyes at his parabatai. Magnus looked at him expectantly once Jace left. "I'm sorry about earlier, Mags."

"Alexander, you're somehow growing three humans inside of you, you have the right to be moody sometimes. Next time I won't be so hard on you." Alec sat up and connected their lips. Magnus smiled within the kiss when he felt Alec's arms encircle him.

"Alec! I told you this would happen! Clary asked me what I'm hiding from her," Jace yelled as he ran back into the room.

Alec broke the kiss to say, "Just tell her something!"

"Can't I just hide in here for a while?"

Alec and Magnus looked at each other before answering a collective "No!"

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