Halloween Traditions

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"Please, please, please!" Max begged. 

"See what you started, Magnus?" Alec said in exasperation. 

"I just thought it would a good idea," Magnus replied, "Rafe, what do you think?"

"I like the idea, it seems fun," Rafe shrugged. 

"Fine, I guess your daddy and I could take you boys around this block for trick or treating," Alec gave in, "But we need to think what you can dress as."

"Blueberry!" Max immediately exclaimed. 

"Ninja!" Rafe said simultaneously. 

"It'll be fun," Magnus said to Alec, putting his arms around the shadowhunter. 

A couple days later, the day arrived. Magnus magicked the two boys into their costumes, and they headed out to the streets of New York. Alec and Magnus walked Max and Rafe up to every house and apartment they came to. Magnus nudged Alec and smiled at him, making Alec smile back. 

"See, I told you you'd have fun," Magnus said. 

"Shut up," Alec laughed. Magnus stopped to pull him in for a kiss. 

"Ughhh, come on!," Rafe complained, tugging Magnus' hand, pulling the two part. They both laughed and followed their boys to the next house. 

"Alright boys, it's getting late. Time to go home," Magnus said. 

"Awww, come on!" Max complained, but rubbed his tired eyes nonetheless. Magnus sighed and lifted Max into his arms. The small warlock laid his head on Magnus' shoulder and slowly drifted to sleep while the others walked home.


Magnus and Alec got Rafe and Max into bed before deciding to watch a movie in their own. 

"How about The Conjuring?" Magnus asked. 

"Sounds good," Alec said confidently. 

Towards the end of the movie, Alec was covering his face with the blanket he and Magnus were sharing. 

"Alexander! You gotta watch!" Magnus begged with a smile. 

"I'm good." 

"Oh, come on, you fight demons for a living. This should be nothing." 

Magnus managed to get the blanket off of Alec's face, and kissed his lips. Alec gave Magnus a half hearted smile. Magnus wrapped his arm around Alec and pulled him close, letting the shadowhunter rest his head on his chest. Alec still proceeded to jump at every jumpscare in the movie and attempt to hide his head in Magnus' chest. 


Alec was still jumpy and on edge after the movie was over; however, he went to bed with Magnus, making sure to hold Magnus close. Just when Alec was drifting off to sleep, he felt a small hand grab his foot. His eyes quickly opened, and he shot up in bed so fast that he woke Magnus. Alec frantically grabbed for the lamp next to the bed to turn on the light. 

"What's wrong?" Magnus asked, worried about what was happening to Alec. 

"Something just grabbed my foot!" 

A giggle was heard from Alec's side of the bed, "It was me, Dad!"

Alec breathed heavily as Max crawled onto the bed. 

"Can I sleep with you? I had a bad dream," Max asked. 

"Yes, Max. Apparently your dad had a bad dream, too," Magnus said, giggling about Alec's reaction. 

"Don't make fun of me," Alec pouted. Magnus leaned over and pecked Alec's lips. 

"I love you," Magnus said. 

Alec couldn't help but smile and reply, "I love you, too." 

Max crawled between them, forcing them to lie on either side of him, but either minded. They reached their arms across to hold Max between them. Alec finally relaxed enough to drift into a peaceful sleep. 

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