Stay Strong Part 2

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Prom was okay. My friend won prom queen and beat two really popular girls, so that was cool

  Suggested by: emiller21ahs

There's about a year between Part 1 and Part 2

Valentine's dead. It's safe for you now.

Is Magnus still living in the same apartment?


Alec smiled as he texted Izzy. He could come home. Finally, he could get what he wanted most in the world: to see Magnus and Max again. He contacted a warlock he'd befriended while in hiding and was portalled back to the New York Institute.

At the institute, he was greeted by Izzy. She ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him tightly.

"God I missed you," she said. Jace was right behind her with a large smile on his face. As soon as Izzy let go, Jace replaced her.

"Glad to have you back," Jace whispered.

"I'm happy to be back."

"Now, you gotta get to Magnus. He was pretty messed up when he thought you died."

Alec's smile grew at the mention of his boyfriend. "I'm going now. I want to surprise him."

Jace's eyes widened, "You haven't told him?"

"No, I was hoping to surprise him, then explain what happened."

Jace sighed, "Good luck."

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Let me just say that I would never keep something like that from Clary. I wouldn't want her to go through that."

"But Clary is a shadowhunter."

"You, more than anyone, should know that that doesn't matter when it comes to loving and protecting someone. You better hope Magnus loves you as much as you think."

Alec nodded and left for Magnus' apartment.

When he arrived, Alec knocked on Magnus' door. It didn't take long for the warlock to answer. When he saw Alec on the opposite side of the door, he gasped and slammed the door shut.

"Magnus, open the door, it's me," Alec said.

Magnus slowly opened the door again, carefully studying Alec. "Alexander?" he suddenly asked. Alec nodded. Without saying anything, Magnus stepped out and practically collapsed in Alec's arms. He breathed in Alec's scent as they hugged. Yes, it was definitely his Alexander. A few moments passed when something dawned on Magnus.

"How the hell are you alive?" Magnus asked.

"Can I come in? I'll explain everything."

Alec and Magnus settled on the couch inside the apartment. 

"Where's Max?" Alec asked.

"He's with Catarina right now. They should be back in an hour or two. Now, please explain where you've been for the last year and why I attended your funeral."

"Well, we were trying to figure out a mission with Valentine. I finally hit a breaking point, but I was too close. Valentine threatened me for knowing almost enough to stop him. To protect me, we faked my death and set up a funeral under the cover that I was killed on a mission. If we hadn't, Valentine would've killed me."

"Who's 'we'?" Magnus asked.

"Izzy, Jace and I," Alec answered.

"Did anyone else know everything was fake?"

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