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Suggested by: @JassyJass15

"Magnus, we need your help down here. There was a battle with a demon," Alec sounded urgent and a little weak on the phone. Magnus immediately said he'd be down.

"Is Alec okay?" Magnus whispered to Izzy when he walked in. He was concerned with Alec's wellbeing, but didn't want to be accused of favoritism.

"He's one of the few who made it out okay," Izzy replied. She smiled at Magnus' look of relief when she told him.

"Didn't you go to the battle?" Magnus inquired as they walked to the infirmary.

Izzy looked annoyed, "Alec told me to stay back. He thought it was too dangerous."

Magnus stopped in his tracks, "Izzy, he's only looking out for you. Alec is someone who tries his damnedest to protect those he loves, and sometimes that results in him being overprotective."

"You really do love him, huh?" Izzy asked with a small smile on her face.

Magnus' eyes developed a sparkle as he said, "with all my heart, yes."

Magnus was greeted by Alec and his mother when he reach the infirmary. "Hey Mags," Alec greeted with a loving smile.

Magnus mirrored his smile, "Hello Alexander."

Maryse wasn't as warm toward the warlock. She greeted him in more of a business-like voice and immediately asked him to help out. There were many injured Shadowhunters; some even on the brink of death. Silent brothers made their way around to the occupied beds, healing everyone they could. Magnus was working hard to help them, too. There were too many, and he could feel himself quickly weakening. Healing took a lot of energy and magic. He didn't want to stop, though. Maryse already hated him for being with Alec, he didn't want to strengthen the hate by not doing what she asked. Alec came over to Magnus and asked if he was alright. "Fine," Magnus lied. Alec wrapped an arm around Magnus, and he immediately leaned on Alec for support.

"You aren't okay. You need to take a break." Alec sounded worried.

"But Maryse..."

"I don't care what Mom says, you've been at it for a couple hours. You can sit down for a few minutes at the very least."

"There's so many more."

Magnus' vision was beginning to fade when Alec said, "It'll be okay, we have the worst ones handled already. These guys can wait for a few minutes."

"Alec..." Magnus whispered as he fully collapsed into Alec's arms. He had passed out.

A while later, Magnus woke up laying in a room. Alec was sitting at the side of his bed. Their fingers were intertwined. "Where am I?" Magnus asked. His voice was slightly hoarse.

"My room in the institute."

"What happened?"

"You were helping heal everyone in the battle earlier today and you passed out. I carried you here to rest."

Magnus squeezed Alec's hand, "Thank you, Alexander. You always know what's best for me."

Alec leaned toward Magnus and captured his lips in a kiss, "Anything for you." Instead of replying, Magnus reconnected their lips in a passionate and loving kiss.

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