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"Mags! I have a meeting today, so if you need anything, text me, okay?" Alec shouted through their shared apartment.

"Okay, have a good day Alexander," Magnus called back from the bedroom. He heard the door shut behind Alec.


Alec sat at the table with his hand holding up his head. He truly hated these meetings. Some shadowhunters were too stubborn to agree with anyone. Suddenly, his phone vibrated in his pocket. He slipped out his phone to look at the screen.

Message from: Magnus: 1 attachment

Alec let out a silent sigh before opening the message. When the message downloaded, Alec's face went deep red. Quickly, he tried to move the phone away from anyone who could possibly see it, causing him to smack his knee against the table. Suddenly, all eyes were on him.

"Sorry, but I just need a second," Alec said, his face getting redder. He quickly got up and walked out of the room. The first place that came to his mind was the bathroom, so he escaped into the nearest one and locked himself in a cubicle. He pulled out his phone to look at the picture again. He actually sent me a dick pic, Alec thought with a smile. He screenshotted the picture. Then texted Magnus back.

A: What the hell, Magnus?!?!

M: You said to text you if I needed anything. Well, I need something... 🍆💦

A: Can't you just wait until I get home?

M: When will that be?

A: Couple hours.

M: Nope, can't wait. I'm horny now... Btw, where are you right now? Still in the meeting? 😏😏

A: I'm not still in the meeting, I excused myself because you embarrassed me, so I'm in the bathroom.

M: Please? I understand you're busy, Alexander, but I need your help with this. 😫😘

Alec could imagine Magnus saying the last message. It always killed him when Magnus begged for something. His voice almost sounded like he was purring when he did. Alec sighed before sending, "Fine."

M: I start kissing you, full on the mouth. Our tongues dance in battle for dominance. My hands wander over your body, resting on your ass.

Alec's jaw dropped slightly as he read the message. He didn't know what to say back, but he did know that he wanted to be home with Magnus, letting him actually do what he'd just read.

A: I kiss you back and gasp as you bite my lip.

Alec felt weird and awkward as he pressed send, but he could also feel his pants already beginning to tighten around his crotch.

M: My hands support you as you jump into my arms, wrapping your legs around me.

Somebody walked into the bathroom, Alec quickly stopped reading and hoped it wasn't anyone looking for him. The footsteps stopped right in front of his stall. He looked down and sighed. He knew those boots.

"Alec? What are you doing?" Jace asked.

Alec blushed again, and hated himself for it. "Um, nothing."

"I doubt that."

"Ummm," Alec said as he tried to put his phone in his pocket. His hand was shaking slightly, though, and he ended up dropping the phone onto the floor. "Shit!" he swore as it slid from underneath the door. He watched Jace's hand come down and pick it up. "Don't read that!" Alec shouted frantically before realizing he should've just kept quiet.

"Well, looks like you weren't in there doing nothing," Jace said. Alec could tell he was smirking by the tone of his voice. "By the way, you suck at sexting..."

"I'm aware, yes. Could you hand me my phone?"

"Come out and you can have it."

Alec unlocked the door and stepped out of the toilet cubicle. Jace handed him his phone.

"You didn't scroll up very far, right?"

Jace scoffed, "To be honest, I really didn't want to know." His eyes glanced at the slight bulge in Alec's pants. He quickly averted his eyes. "Well, um, I can see you have a little problem there, so if you'd want, I could tell the rest of the shadowhunters here that you suddenly didn't feel well and needed to go home?"

Alec's face lit up, "You'd do that for me?"

"Just this once."

Alec gave Jace a smile and a small hug before racing home to Magnus.

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