The Jace Argument

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Alec walked into his and Magnus' apartment. "Mags, I'm home." His voice echoed slightly throughout the apartment.

"Alexander! You're back. I would like to know where you've been; you haven't been home in a few days," Magnus inquired.

"I told you, Jace and I had a mission." Alec wrapped his arms around Magnus, but Magnus went stiff. "What's wrong?"

"It's just, you seem to be spending all your time with Jace. I miss you, Alec. I know you can't come home to me every night, but I want to see you more."

"I don't spend all my time with Jace."

"This is the first night you've been with me this week, and the fourth this month," Magnus pointed out.

"Magnus, he's my parabatai."

"I know, Alec, but I feel like I'm not important to you, anymore."

"C'mon, there's no reason to be jealous."

Magnus stepped out of Alec's arms, "I can't believe you would say that to me. How would you feel if I started spending all my time with Catarina? Wouldn't you be upset too?" His voice gradually rose as he argued.

Alec looked shocked, "Mags, I—I"

"Don't even apologize. I don't think I can look at you right now. Please, just go."


"No, Alec! Just. Go." Magnus' voice was serious. Still in shock, Alec quietly left the apartment.

*At the Institute*

Alec walked into the institute and found Jace. "Alec, what's up? I thought you were going home to Magnus."

"Magnus kicked me out." Alec's voice had a tone of disbelief and sadness.

"Why would he do that?" Jace didn't seem shocked.

"He thought I was spending too much time with you."

"Really? Want to do some sparring to get the aggression out?"

"I'm not feeling any aggression, I just don't understand why he would do that. You're the one who always pulls me away from him."

"Well, we are parabatai. I can't fight without you, we're a team, Alec."

"I know, and he understands that, but he and I are a team, too. I think I'm going to go home and apologize to him." Alec got up to walk back out of the institute. Jace quickly grabbed his arm.

"Don't go," Jace asked.

"Why not?"

"Um—Alec, don't get mad."

"Mad about what?" Alec was beginning to get suspicious.

"I just wanted to be a team again, Alec and Jace, just like the old days, before Magnus."

"You did this?!"

"Don't get me wrong, I like Magnus. You guys are really cute together, but I wanted you always by my side, and you weren't. You were always with him."

"Jace! You almost ruined my relationship! I can't believe you would do that. How would you feel if I tried to sabotage your relationship with Clary?" He paused for a second, realizing he just said what Magnus said to him. He sighed and said, "Look, I have to go and fix things with Magnus. We'll talk about this tomorrow." He left after giving Jace a small hug.

Alec sped back to Magnus' apartment. He wanted to burst through the door, but was afraid of Magnus kicking him out again. Instead in knocked on the door. Magnus opened the door and immediately rolled his eyes at Alec. "What do you want? Don't think you're already forgiven."

"Magnus, I came to explain."

"Alec, I just can't right now. Let me calm down until tomorrow, okay?" Magnus sounded defeated. He tried to close the door, but Alec stuck his foot out to keep the door from closing. He shoved his way into the apartment.

"I'm sorry, Mags. I was spending too much time with Jace, but it wasn't my fault. Jace was trying to break us up. He missed how he and I used to be." Alec placed a hand on Magnus' hip and pulled him closer. He took Magnus' chin in his hand and made him look into his eyes. "I love you, Magnus. I'll never love anyone but you." He captured Magnus' lips in his own. Both of his hands held onto Magnus' hips.

Magnus was the one to break the kiss, saying, "how do you feel about you and Jace being together like you were before me?"

Alec didn't even have to think before saying, "Jace is my brother and I do love him, but it's a completely different love than what I feel for you."

Magnus gave Alec a soft smile, "I obviously forgive you. Please, I don't ever want to fight with you again, Alexander."

"I know, Magnus, I know." Alec pulled Magnus into a tight hug. "I won't let anyone get between us again, okay?"


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