Impossible? Part 2

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I literally can't find any malec mpreg fanart that I really like, but there is a large abundance of Avengers mpreg fanart, especially Thorki. 😂

Suggested by: @PrincessPeach211

"Ready to go?" Magnus called as he stepped into his bedroom, where Alec was getting ready for their date night.

"I don't know if we should go."

"Why not? This is the fourth time we've tried going out," Magnus asked, walking up to Alec. He placed his hands on Alec's swollen stomach that was holding their triplets. "Are you feeling okay?" Magnus continued, now worrying over Alec.

Happy for an excuse, Alec said, "No, I'm not feeling that great, actually."

Magnus sighed, "Okay, we'll try next week, then." He wrapped his arms around Alec as best as he could. "I love you" he said as he pecked Alec's lips before placing his head in Alec's chest.

"I love you, too." Alec knew Magnus was disappointed. He loved taking Alec out, and Alec loved going out with Magnus, but he knew Magnus also loved to show Alec off. The problem was Alec didn't feel like being shown off tonight, or any previous night. Tears welled up in Alec's eyes when he looked down at his stomach. Quickly, he wiped away the tears and said he needed to go to the bathroom before Magnus could see him crying.

A few minutes later, Magnus walked past the bathroom. He heard small sniffles coming from the other side of the door. Quietly, he stood outside of the door and listened. Sure enough, it sounded like Alec was crying. "Alexander, are you okay?" Magnus' voice was full of worry and concern. Alec didn't answer. "I'm coming in." Magnus opened the door. Alec was sitting on floor. Crumpled tissues surrounded the floor around him. When Magnus looked into Alec's eyes, he saw that they were red and puffy. "Alexander, darling, what's wrong?" Magnus asked in a soft voice  as he knelt in front of his beloved boyfriend.

"It's nothing," Alec quickly replied.

"Anything that makes you cry is something. Tell me, please?" Magnus reached out to cup Alec's cheek.

"I'm huge." Alec suddenly blurted out. "Nothing fits right, and I feel fat and—and ugly! Magnus smiled and tried to hold back a giggle. "Don't laugh at me, Magnus! It's not funny!"

"Alexander, oh Alexander, how could you be so stupid?" Alec looked at Magnus in confusion. "You're beautiful, no matter what. It doesn't matter what other people think, I love you, and that's all that matters. You're a badass shadowhunter that kills demons without fear, but you're afraid of what a couple dumbass people will say about you, despite not knowing who you actually are? I can't—" Magnus was cut off from his rant when Alec leaned forward and captured Magnus' lips with his own. Once he realized what happened, Magnus leaned into Alec and wrapped his arms around him as best as he could.

When they finally broke apart, Magnus asked, "Feel better?"

Alec nodded, "Much better. Thanks Mags." Before Magnus could answer, Alec buried his head into the crook of Magnus' neck. Magnus let out a small giggle as Alec kissed and nipped at his neck. He let Alec go for a couple seconds, but eventually retaliated by tickling Alec's sides. Alec couldn't help but erupt in tortured laughter.

Soon, both boys stopped. They were gasping for breath, but Magnus still managed to say, "We can still have a date night, even if that means staying inside and watching a movie."

Alec smiled, "Sounds perfect."

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