Letters to Magnus

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Suggested and partially written by:@TheDragonThatStayed 

Alec bit his lip as he watched Magnus work from the doorway of Magnus' office. He had tried his hardest to "be good" in his case and let Magnus work; but this was about to have him snap. He wanted his boyfriend back. He wanted to be able to hold and spend time with Magnus with no troubles of demon attacks or Magnus' overly demanding clients. He left the doorway,unnoticed, and headed to the kitchen. He had watched Magnus make tea so many times that he had practically knew how by heart.

He made Magnus some tea, and entered the office silently to place the cup gently on the desk next to Magnus. Magnus was still flipping through pages of books and searching through words Alec couldn't even begin to understand. Gently, he kissed the top of Magnus' head. Magnus didn't even look up, so Alec silently left the room, closing the door behind him. Deciding the best thing for him to do right now was leave Magnus to his work, Alec went to do some laundry.

~A few weeks later~

Alec groaned as he came to from his healing in the institute infirmary. His sister, Isabelle was standing next to the medical bed. 

"Alec, that was a shit move," she said, a hint of anger in her voice. 

"Don't you think I know that?" He looked into Izzy's eyes. 

"Please, Alec, why would you go and do something like that?"

"C'mon, don't play dumb Izzy, you know exactly why..." he trailed off. 

She bit down on her lip and grabbed Alec's hand to hold, "He's still working?" Alec looked down, refusing to look Izzy in the eye. "Alec, you can't live like this. You need to do something." 

Alec looked at his sister, almost desperately, "What the hell am I supposed to do, Izzy. Please, help me."

Izzy smiled widely, an idea hitting her.


Alec went straight to Magnus' loft when he got out of the infirmary. He wasn't surprised to see that Magnus was still hard at work. He walked into Magnus' office and noticed some old pieces of blank parchment paper on a bookshelf. 

"Hey, Magnus?" 

"Yes, Alexander?" Magnus turned his gaze from his book to Alec. 

Alec turned so he was facing Magnus and held up the parchment, "Are you ever going to use these?"

Magnus shook his head, "If you know of a better use for them, take them." 

Alec nodded, "And do you have any sealing wax?"

Magnus raised an eyebrow, but nodded and grabbed some sticks of wax for Alec. 

"Thanks," Alec smiled softly before taking up everything he needed and leaving the room. Magnus watched him, curiously, and bit his lip. What could he possibly be up to?  the warlock thought before turning back to his work. 

Alec went back to their room and sat at the table. He brought the Lightwood sealing stamp from the institute so he was able to write out all of his letters. This has to work, he thought as he starting writing, if this doesn't save our relationship, I don't know what will.

~The next day~

Alec had spent the entire previous day writing out the rest of the letters. Then he woke up before Magnus, made him a cup of coffee, set it on the kitchen table, and placed the letter labelled "#1" next to it. He placed two more letters in the house before leaving. He went to Magnus' favorite cafe, luckily it happened to be the closest one. He asked the barista to hold an order of lemon and chocolate cake, Magnus' favorite, and the fourth letter. With a smile, the barista agreed. Alec glanced at his watch and made a dash for the institute. There, he hid one letter with Izzy and a second in the gardens with a bouquet of Magnus' favorite roses on a table next to the greenery. He took the last letter with him to the place he and Magnus claimed as their special spot. 

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