The Shirt

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Alec woke up next to Magnus and groggily looked at his phone. When he saw it was 11 in the morning, he swore and tumbled out of the bed. He quickly dressed, but realized his relationship would be revealed if he showed up in the same outfit he'd left in yesterday. Everyone at the institute thought he was there all night, instead of going and sleeping with Magnus. Alec quickly looked around. His eyes landed on Magnus' massive closet. Surely he wouldn't mind if Alec borrowed a shirt, right? Deciding to go for it, Alec opened the closet doors and looked around for a regular t-shirt. After a few minutes of searching, he found a nice black one. He quickly put it on, smiling at the fact that it smelled like Magnus, and ran out the door. 

Alec walked into the institute and immediately ran into Izzy. 

"Alec? Are you just getting here? Where have you been?" 

"I've been here the whole time," Alec lied. 

"No, you haven't. You were out all night, weren't you?" she asked with a smile.

Alec sighed, "Fine, yes. But don't tell anyone." 

"Let me guess, Magnus Bane?" Izzy smiled wider.

Alec tried his best not to let his emotions come through on his face, "What would make you think of him?" 

"I've seen how you look at him, and the shirt you're wearing is covered in glitter." 

Alec looked down at his shirt, "Damn it. I thought it was plain." He didn't even notice the silver glitter covering the shirt when he put it on. "I'm going to run to my room and change, then I'll be back to train." 

Alec was on the way to his room when he ran into Jace. 

"Hey man, where have you been?" Jace asked. 

"I've been here, just around," Alec answered, obviously trying to sound casual. 

"Well, that's a lie, I've been looking for you all morning. Where were you really?" 

Alec knew he couldn't hide anything from Jace, so he said, "Izzy already guess it, so you might as well know too. I went to visit Magnus last night and ended up staying the night." 

Jace smirked, "Magnus, as in Magnus Bane? I knew that was going to happen sometime. I could feel it." 

Alec couldn't hide his smile, "I figured you already knew something."

"He makes you happy, doesn't he?" 

"Yes, he does."

"Good, that's all I want for you. You deserve it." 

"Thanks, Jace." 

Jace nodded, "By the. way, nice shirt." 

Alec rolled his eyes, "Shut up." 

Jace laughed lightheartedly as Alec ran the rest of the way up to his room. When he got there, he quickly changed into his training gear and ran back down to the training room. 

When he finally got finished with training, Alec went back to his room to change into a sweater and pair of jeans. He grabbed an extra pair of jeans and shirt to bring with him to Magnus'. Then he began to walk toward the doors of the institute. He was almost there when he ran into Jace again. 

"You going back to Magnus'?" Jace asked, unable to keep the smirk off of his face. 

"If you must know, yes, I am," Alec said, automatically smiling back. 

"Have fun," Jace replied, winking at Alec, making the other Shadowhunter roll his eyes. 


Alec walked into Magnus' without bothering to knock. 

"Alexander?" Magnus called, automatically expecting the Shadowhunter. He smiled when he saw Alec at the door, then his eyes fell to the clothes in Alec's hand. 

"I'm guessing you're planning to stay the night again?" 

"If you didn't mind..." Alec trailed off. Magnus walked forward to wrap his arms around Alec and softly kiss his lips. 

"You can spend as many nights here as you want." Magnus paused, "But you do realize that I would've been more than happy to lend you clothes." 

"I'm never doing that again," Alec laughed and handed Magnus' shirt back to him. 

Magnus laughed when he saw what Alec left in this morning, "How many people found out you were here last night?" 

"Just Izzy and Jace." 

"That's good. Maybe someday we can tell the world about us?" 

"Someday, but I'm just not quite ready yet, okay?"

"It's okay, Alexander. I'm willing to wait for you." 

Alec smiled and leaned in to kiss the warlock again.

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