The Ring

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Sorry this is short, I've been a little busy and wrote it really quick.

"Magnus, I gotta go, drop me a ring if you need anything, okay?" Alec quickly kissed Magnus' lips. He was about to walk out of the apartment when Magnus pulled him back. 

"Give me a proper goodbye kiss," Magnus complained. Alec smiled and kissed him again; this time longer and more passionately. 

"You may now go," Magnus said with a smile once he broke his and Alec's kiss. 

Later that day, Alec, Jace, Izzy and Clary were discussing how to eradicate the current demon that was terrorizing New York City. Out of nowhere, a ring dropped into Alec's lap. "What the hell?" Alec said in confusion. Then he realized, drop me a ring if you need anything. He laughed out loud, making Jace look at him oddly. 

"Alec, what's wrong?" 

"Magnus dropped me a ring. Hold on." He pulled out his phone, leaving Jace still confused. 

I got your ring, what you do need?

His phone vibrated almost as soon as he sent the text. 

It's engraved, look at it. 

Alec put his phone down and inspected the ring carefully. The engraving was on the inner part of the band. 

Marry me?  

Alec gasped, and Magnus suddenly portaled into the room. He didn't seem to notice anyone else in the room as he passed by them. He knelt on one knee in front of Alec. 

"I'm guessing you already read the ring, but I want to do this properly, too. Alexander Gideon Lightwood, would you do me the honor of becoming my husband?"

Tears gathered in Alec's eyes as he choked out, "Yes, of course, yes." 

Magnus slid the ring onto Alec's finger, then stood up and gathered Alec into his arms. They hugged for a couple minutes, then Magnus kissed him passionately. Jace coughed awkwardly. The couple quickly broke their kiss, but kept their arms around each other. Izzy and Clary immediately ran over to them and hugged them both tightly. Once they let go, Jace clapped Alec on the shoulder as a congratulations. 

"Okay, we ready to go?" Jace asked. 

Izzy looked at him in surprise, "Alec, we're good here."

"What do you mean?" Alec asked. 

Magnus sighed and whispered what Izzy was suggesting into Alec's ear. Alec's face reddened in embarrassment. 

"You sure you'll be okay by yourselves?" Alec squeaked. 

"Yes, Alec," Izzy and Clary said. 

"No, you're my parabatai, I need you on missions," Jace complained. 

Clary rolled her eyes, but still smiled at Jace, "He'll be fine, Alec."

Alec nodded, "Fine, but call me if anything happens." 

"Don't worry so much, Alec," Izzy said as the group walked into the streets of NYC. 

"Ready to spend the rest of the day in bed with me?" Magnus asked, pulling Alec closer. 

Alec nodded. Magnus took his hand, and kiss his new engagement ring. 

"I love you, Alexander," Magnus said. 

"I love you, too Mags." 

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