Small Bump

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I sat sitting in the exam room waiting for the doctor to come into the room. Why are doctors offices always painted the same mauve color? Is it supposed to be soothing? I looked up and saw that on the ceiling there was a picture of flowers directly over the bed. Yes because when my feet are in stirrups, looking at flowers makes everything better. I was crabby. Maybe I should have told my mom, it would have been comforting to have her here. I just needed to find out for sure. I didn't want to make a big deal about anything until. . .

"Hi you must be Rory, I'm Dr. Rose" she said as she knocked and entered the room in one quick motion.

"Yes I'm Rory, very nice to meet you" I shook her hand.

"You too. So Rory, it says here you had a positive home pregnancy test. Can you tell me the date of your last period?"

"Umm September, I think September 12th or somewhere close to that."

"Okay, so what we are going to do today is we had you give us a urine sample, which will give us a result today. If that is positive, we will draw your blood to confirm usually those results take about 48 hours. Does that sound good?"

"Yeah I guess"

"Alright great" she said as she was logging in to the computer "let's just take a look at those results."

Everything after she said I was pregnant was a blur. Yes they were going to draw blood, I could go right downstairs to get that done before I left. I sat there numb, nodding slowly as she explained to me that there were options available if this was an unwanted pregnancy. She put her hand on my shoulder as a sign of compassion, and told me that if I needed time to think about it to just give the office a call back to schedule my next appointment. I thanked her quickly and went to have my blood drawn. I wanted to get out of that building as quickly as possible.

I sat in my car for a while, just staring at the people walking by. I had to tell my mom. I had to tell Logan. I glanced at my phone, I had to get going. I had made an appointment to go visit my dad. I wanted to talk to him about the book, but now I wasn't feeling particular sociable. It was too late to reschedule. I turned on my car and turned up the radio.

No she gonna have my baby 

Taking all that I have to take

This takings gonna shake me

People call us renegades

'Cause we like living crazy

We like takin' on the town

Cause people's getting lazy

I don't care what nobody says

No I'm gonna be her lover

Always mad and you's a drunk

But I love her like no other

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