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Ethan's P

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Ethan's P.O.V.

My leg is aching badly but the pain I'm feeling is the last thing on my mind. The look on the scouts and my dad's faces as they dragged me away is all that's hunting me. Dammit! What the hell was the dude thinking?

As the nurse straps a cast on my twisted leg, shuffling of feet brings me out of my thoughts. I see Olivia on a stretcher with her legs in awkward directions. Ouch.

It takes them a minute or two to help fix her up. The cracking of bones as they fix it, is followed by her screams despite the painkillers administered to her.

"What happened to you?" I ask her once they are out of the room.

"I broke my leg, genius." She grunts glaring at me before closing her eyes and turning her face away from me in pain.

"No shit Sherlock. I mean how?!"

"Those damn twin cheerleaders didn't bother to reach for me after throwing me up. They were supposed to catch me according to the stupid routine. I don't even know what they were watching that got them distracted."

"I'm sure they were distracted because of me." I point out using my head to point to my wrapped up leg.

"No." A voice says before Olivia can respond turning both our attentions to the door where two figures had just strolled in.

My brows crease as Dawn and Alistair walk in with determined expressions on their faces.

"What do you mean no?" I ask them wondering what they're looking for here.

"What the hell do you want Dawn? Came to gloat in our faces how you've won?" Olivia says glaring at her.

Dawn scoffs in annoyance, "That had to be put on hold because you shitheads had to go get yourself injured."

"It's not like we asked. . . " I begin to say but Alistair interrupts me.

"That's not why we are here Dawn. Let's focus on that." He says to Dawn turning briefly to me looking like a guy who is trying so hard to hold in his anger for me. What'd I do to the dude? I mean he should be happy he has an easy passage now to win, so why's he pissed with me?

"Sorry," She says taking a deep breath in. "Seeing them together talking so calmly just infuriates me."

My eyes widen a bit as I remember that Dawn knows. I look to Alistair and realize from the understanding look in his eyes that he knows to. Who else knows?

"I really can't believe I'm doing this." Dawn mumbles again getting my attention fully. Something doesn't feel right. I look behind them to see if Taylor is anywhere there but I notice she isn't there which is strange.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Everything you fools! How could you not even piece it together?! Scouts came and you played so well, huh? Both your parents came and so did Taylor's. Did it never occur to you that something was out of place?!" Dawn asks glaring at me but I'm still confused.

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