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"Ethan?" I say softly into the now turned on microphone like I'm just seeing him there. If anyone was looking for me before they know where I am now.

"What on earth are you up to Taylor?" he asks glaring at me.

"Up to? What are you talking about? I should be asking you that. You're meant to be resting." I say standing up and heading towards him but before I can get to him he releases one of his crutches so its resting on him and uses his hand to push me away in anger.

I tilt to the side almost falling. I gasp loudly, "Ethan!" I shout in shock, "What on earth is wrong with you?" I ask and at that moment by the side I notice Dawn and Alistair outside the door knocking.

Damn they're pretty fast. They're both frantically shaking their heads at me but I turn away from them to face my assignment. Sorry guys but there's no turning back now.

"What's wrong with me? You are what's wrong with me Taylor! I begged you! I freaking begged you to believe me and not ruin my career! Where the tears I spilled for you not enough for you to believe me? Did I not beg you enough?! Why did you go and ruin my career Taylor? We know what you did!"

My mouth drops for real. Wow. How on earth did I not notice before that he is indeed a douche?

"Ruin your career? Ethan, what on earth are you talking about?" I say breaking my voice at the end of it like I want to cry, "How can you even come here to accuse me of that when all I've done is support you! How dare you say I ruined your career?! I trusted you Ethan! You promised me! You asked me to trust you and I did. Is this how you want to repay me?" I say tearing up and funny enough tears do fall from my eyes.

"Cut the crap Taylor. Only a moron would believe her boyfriend when he says that. What kind of girl believes her boyfriend when she finds out that he has been cheating on her with her best friend for two years?!"

A loud gasp follows his statement from me as he list all his achievements for the world to see.

I move in to slap him, "A moron? Calling me a moron for wanting to believe that my boyfriend loves me and all that happened was just wrong? Is that it? Fine! Then I'm a moron, you heartless bastard." I sob loudly, "You know what I'm glad you hurt your leg. You deserve it and I hope no scout ever picks you even if you recover, seeing as you're nothing but a backstabbing career trampler. I hope you rot in hell." I tell him sobbing but meaning every single word that comes out of my mouth as anger for the bastard fills me.

"Taylor, you need to listen to me. I know I hurt you, okay? I really am sorry but I need you to stop whatever you have planned. You shouldn't ruin my career any further."

I scoff as the tears fall, shaking my head at him, "You really do deserve every bad thing that comes your way from here henceforth." I say moving away to leave.

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