Author's note

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Hey guys, sorry that I haven't updated this story in a while. To be honest I haven't even started this chapter and that's because I am soo close to finish Stranded even though I said I would work on this book more in December, but I want to finish Stranded and not have to worry about writing it as well when I am working in Alone. 

Alone takes up  A LOT of my time when I write because I am trying to make long and good chapters for you guys who read it and it's very difficult to write a lot during school because of my homework, projects, and the fact that I tend to write during class I also have to set aside my writing and do my stupid school work even though I honestly can breeze through most of it and then when I do get it done I have to do some other crap that we either don't ever touch or mention again or we have the next full class to do it! It's like school doesn't want me to write!

"Okay so you can write in Stranded but you can't write in this? And don't even say it's because Stranded has shorter chapters because there are some long ones in it as well!" ( Says Bryan who is a stuffed polar bear.) 

"Crap..." ( My inner thoughts)

Yeah I know I can't use that excuse but to be honest Stranded is easier to write in now that it's close to the end because I know how I want to end it but for Alone I just write as I think and go off of that, changing it as I go. I have no clue what I want to do in each chapter except for the main idea for each chapter. Basically I set a guide for myself in which I make three or four big events that I want to happen in the chapter and then I go from there, slowly focusing on one main point after another, and when I go to type it I type it in chunks so that way I can proof read and add details or cut things out as I go. 

So that's my reason on why it's taking me forever to update Alone. I hope this explanation is good enough, I'm not good at explaining things so it takes me twenty years to come up with a description for each story I put on Wattpad. Sorry if you guys thought this would be an update because it's not. Welp then.... Byee guys!

~SeaB has left the- 

"WAIT!!! It also takes you forever to write these chapters because when you do have inspiration you're too lazy to get on the computer and type it or write it!" (Bryan.)

"REALLY? You just HAD to ruin my outro with that comment Bryan? And DON'T tell them that! I prefer the word Procrastination! "Face palms in annoyance." My God Bryan you're annoying!" (Me.)

"Yes I did because they need to know that you're a procrastinator! Also I am the little voice that serves as your conscience, why you choose me to be a teddy bear out of anything in the world, I have no clue." (Bryan.)

"Shut up! It's because I like teddy bears okay..." (mumbles that part under breath)

Anyways please ignore that random conversation... Now where did I leave off??? Ah yes I remember!

~SeaB has left the building!

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