Chapter 18: Strangers don't seem that bad right now part 2

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Bryce's view

The footsteps creaked up the stairs slowly, drawing themselves closer and closer with they stopped on the other side of the corner. I held my breath and didn't move, my fingers twitching slightly as I quickly adjusted my grip on the handle of the kitchen knife. I sank my teeth into my bottom lip, drawing blood. Hope they won't smell it. I thought, freezing as they footsteps crawled closer and closer.

My eyes landed on a tall, dark figure that seemed oddly familiar. Thankfully the person had their back facing me. I crawled forward eyeing the silver hand-held gun glued to the intruder's hand. So without a second of hesitation, I jammed the kitchen knife into the figure's leg, watching them screech in pain as they crumpled to the ground.I jumped to my feet, hastily rounding the corner and charging down the staircase not wanting to sick around when the figure managed to get to the their feet. I slid down the steps and dart to the front door and flinging it open and sneaking quietly towards the back door.

I quietly unlatched the back door, opening it slightly and slipping half way out so I could lock the door before softly shutting it. Carefully I tip-toed away slinking into the woods pondering on what to do. My thoughts suddenly vanished as I heard gunfire from two different guns. My heart jumped from my chest to my throat as I skidded to a stop. Should I go back? It sounded as if help has arrived. I thought drawing my teeth from my lip for a split second before lodging them back into the flesh. What if it's a trap thought? My conscious said. "Ugh I don't know what to do. All I know is that I can't stay out in the open." I muttered to myself.

I slowly crawled forward, carefully picking my way through the woods without stepping on any sticks. I could hear pounding footsteps roaring after me, not heading in my direction. more to the cast than anything. I let out a soft sight and trekked onwards in the direction I was facing. After a few moments of silent walking I stumbled upon an old abandoned, two story farmhouse that was partially falling down. "It'll work until morning when I can see." I muttered to myself, swiftly entering the house.

The house was dusty and part of the second story was collapsing and some fell on the first story. "Dang. This house has definitely has had better days." I commented softly. I jumped as another bullet whiz by me. "Shoot! Literally." I hissed to myself before jetting it up the stairs as the door flew open letting in the howling wind before the figure slammed the door shut. The whole house shook when the door slammed shut sending a mixture of dirt and insulation and splinters of wood to fall along with dust and some of the peeling and moldy wallpaper. One the wallpaper fell it emitted a gross smell, more mold was behind the wallpaper along with a family of dead birds. "Gross." I muttered, shaking my head a tiny bit before I walked past it while nearly choking on the nose killing smell. I carefully picked my over to one of the bedrooms, watching my step as I continued to stalk forward while biting my lip as I pressed forward and laid my hand on the door knob. The rusty knob crumpled slightly onto the ground and the door squeaked open. "Shoot." I hissed mentally as I heard the footsteps from down stairs redirect themselves to the room and shut the door.

I ran my fingers through my hair, panic ran my system like fuel ran a vehicle. The floor boards creaked and the footsteps that herded me into the room approached closer and closer with each swift blink of an eye I took to avoid the dust falling in my eyes. I looked around the room, wondering if I could barricade the door with something and my eyes landed on an old wooden dresser. A frown than threw a knot in my plan. The floor boards underneath the dresser was bending downwards. If I tried to move it both me and the dresser would collapse onto the first floor. I quietly took e deep breath and eyed the rest of the room, jumping slightly as I heard two gun shots from right outside the door. There was a moment of silence before the door creaked open and then a limp body fell forward, smashing through the rotting and falling floor boards, crumbling onto the first floor. I looked up to see a familiar face with a gun pointed dead at me. Justin.....

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