Chapter 7: Well...

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"So tell me exactly what happened tonight, and how did you acquire that wound to your shoulder." The figure said, I watched his dark eyes slowly scan me over and over. "Well I was just going to walk through the front door posing as an executive's son but there were two men at the door, they didn't look like regular body guards so I kept my distance and entered through a ventilation system. The target was in the room or at least that was what the scanner said." I explained, happy that I was managing to keep my cool in this situation. Normally I was terrible at lying and would be caught at it immediately, but my attempt at fatally wounding myself failed and I had implanted my excuse for my once again failure to complete a task, so to my brain it was the truth. "Mmhmm. Continue." The man said, waving me on. "As I stated, I entered the room where the scanner Warren gave me said the target was. Only instead of being able to complete my task I was met by gunfire of really unamused bodyguards." I finished. "So was the scanner wrong?" Warren asked, he applied pressure to my bullet wound, his finger still in my wound. I cringed a little and yelped in pain quietly. I didn't need to look at Warren to tell that he was smugly grinning at me from behind. "Yes the damn scanner was wrong! Unless you programmed it to lead me there and get me killed!" I snapped, glancing down in disgust as I caught sight of his finger protruding from my bullet wound. I felt sick looking at it, I wanted to throw up. "Relax, our intentions are not to kill you, or at least not yet, You haven't given us a good enough reason to kill you yet." He stated, well that's a first. I thought. Warren leave us now." The cloaked man said, waving him off. The man grunted in protest but didn't say anything as he ripped his finger out of my wound causing blood to squirt from it and pain rippled through me again. When Warren left the room, Cloak man (I still didn't know his name) leaned forward, locking his dead gaze on me. I couldn't see his eyes but I could just feel his eyes scorning into me. "You just fled? Without fighting? I know you can put up a very good fight Bryce." Cloaked man said, I could see his white, straight teeth glowering under his hood. At least he's got one good thing. I thought, half tempted to spit it out but I held my tongue. Quickly I answered as he wouldn't think and know I was lying. The more I played them for fools the easier it would be to gain trust so I could escape easier as long as I didn't screw it up. "Yeah I didn't put up a fight because I would have been killed easily. It was a kid without any gun or any type of weapon training against six to seven well trained and fully armed men." I pointed out , being wary of my used tone of voice. The man hummed and once more drumming his fingers against his desk. The tapping noise his nails made was really starting to get on my nerves, but I bit my tongue. "Look Bryce, let's just skip all this petty lying now okay. We both know you didn't kill him. The scanner Warren gave you does work. You tried to chicken out and get yourself killed. Cute and clever, telling the truth saves yourself in the long run. Now tell me why you felt the need to lie straight to my face as if I was a fool!" He spat, shooting up and sending his chair rolling slightly behind him. Finally I could see his eyes as he peered down at me. They were dark orbs of bitter and cold, hatred gray. "You're right I did lie." My impulsive and irrational thinking and decision making instincts corrupted me and I threw the cloaked man a glare. " See, isn't it just easier to tell the truth the first time around?" The man asked innocently, his hand reached out and grabbed my face by my chin and tilted my head upwards. I grimaced mentally as I was forced to face the man. His gray eyes seemed to infiltrate my mind and soul just by looking into my eyes. "Now tell me why you chose to lie to me." He demanded roughly, leaning his face closer to mine. "Why don't you tell me why you chose me to kill someone?" I snapped back immediately and immediately as the words left my lips I regretted it. The cloaked man's fist lurched forward at such speeds it caught me off guard and his knuckles smashed into my face, stunning me slightly. My jaw dropped slightly, I was actually a little surprised by the action. I didn't think he was going to hit me for the one statement he said earlier. " Relax, our intentions are not to kill you, or at least not yet." Replayed in my head as I shook the shock off and close my mouth and set my jaw firmly and stubbornly. I glowered up at him, the fresh taste of a sharp and metallic liquid dribbled in my mouth from my nose which had started to bleed from being hit with the man's knuckles. "You know, I'm getting very tired of just calling you cloak man." I said, turning my head away to spit out a glob of blood onto the floor returning my head to look forward. I scraped my tongue over my lips, licking away the blood from them. "Master or sir is what you'll call me until I say otherwise. Understand bitch?" He spit venomously, yanking my messy, brown hair in one of his fat, greasy hands tightly, jerking my face forward. "Ouch." I hissed under my breath, to low for him to hear me thankfully. "Never lie to me again brat. Or else the consequences will be much more dreadful."

I sat in the dark room again, the same one where I had first met the "Court." Now they were all sitting in the creaky, wooden, stands, silently staring at me as if I was a peice of prey they were stalking and the were the predators. "So he lied about a job hun." One cloaked figure rasped out, sitting in the far left of the stands. " Correct." Warren answered, glowering at me sadistically. I could see the hunger in his eyes for blood. I shifted slightly uncomfortable with the psycho melting two holes in the back of my head with his eyes. " Does the boy have anything to say to defend his actions?" Another cloaked figure rattled out, his voice sounded as if he hadn't used it in a while. All eyes landed on my as the strangers awaited for answer. I stayed silent for a minute before lifting my chin upwards and making my voice loud and clear so they all could hear my voice. " You honestly think I wouldn't lie when you assign me to kill someone? If you think I'm going to be openly honest about killing a person then you're dumber than a football player who's IQ is lower negative ten!" I snarled, glaring at everyone who came across my line of sight. After my words had been spoken everyone seem to freeze in shock as if no one had ever insulted them before. Even if was as lame as an insult I had just thrown out. After a few minutes of silence, a few shocked looks being passed back and forth between the black robed beings while I smirked as they passed their gazes from each other too me. "Why are you smirking? Do you take pride in your words?" Warren spit, his hand swiping across the back of my head. I gritted my teeth as my head lurched forward. I could hear the people in the stands scurrying mutters as they jeered towards me. "Yes I am proud. I'm very, very proud of my words." I sniped, globbing a ball of spit in my mouth before slinging the wad out of my mouth and watching happily as it landed on Warren's nose. He stumbled backwards, shocked now had infiltrated his face. "You little..." His voice trailed off as he wiped my spit from his face, mumbling bitch under his breath and other curses. "Haha, now we're even." I chirped happily in an innocent tone, giving Warren a tiny grin. He glowered at me, his hair seemed to fluff up as he grew more and more angry. "Can you please allow me to teach him a lesson?" Warren asked, giving me a harsh glare before twisting back to look at everyone in the stands. "Go for it." The man with the dead, gray eyes said dismissively. "Get him and get out. Now, The Court needs to talk." Warren nodded and grabbed me rather tightly by my right arm and dragged me out of the room silently.

" Warren nodded and grabbed me rather tightly by my right arm and dragged me out of the room silently

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Finally I got this chapter done, yay! I'm sorry it's so short but I wanted to get a chapter out before Christmas and next week I have exams so I'm kinda a little overwhelmed right now, so I apologize for the shortness of this chapter and if it's bad. I don't really have time to go over an proofread it so I also apologize for any grammar mistakes. Also I didn't know what to call this chapter, I struggle coming up with chapter names and finding good, corresponding pictures for this chapter so there's gonna be a random picture. Again sorry. (Enjoy this meme picture. :3 Idk if it's dead or not.)


Okay, I have fixed this chapter and re-added the photo because for some reason it deleted :/ Oh well it's fixed now, so time to play some video games and work on chapter 8!

Byee guys!

~SeaB has left the building!

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