Chapter 17: Strangers don't seem that bad right now....

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*3 days later....*

Bryce's view

"I'll be back in half an hour, you sure you're going to be alright being here by yourself?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah I'll be okay. I know how to defend myself in case if someone breaks in." I smiled as he finally seemed to stop worrying. It's only been four, five days maybe since I've actually met, met him and it's only been four or five days since he's actually met me and yet he cared about me. Even though this was pretty sketchy to trust someone you just met four, five days ago it still felt good to me to know that he cared about me or at least pretended to.

After a little while spent convincing Aaron that I would be fine left alone did he finally leave. I sighed and flopped on the couch, grabbing the tv remote off of the coffee table and switching the tv on. "Oh great, the news." I grumbled. I really did not care for the news at all. I found it incredibly boring. I rolled my eyes as the male news anchor announced the weather for states on the other side of the United States. "Is there anything good on?" I mumbled to myself.

Austin's view

"Is he alone?" I asked Warren without looking at him. "Yes, want me to do it or do you want me to?" My right hand man asked me. "No, I'll do it. You are more than welcome to join me but I am going to be the one who's going to do the deed." I said pulling out my silver, handheld gun and made sure it was loaded. I smiled as I let my fingers glide over the weapon, happy to come across the fact that it was fully loaded. "Make sure you have a knife and maybe an extra gun on you. The bitch we're dealing with is willy." Warren warned as he unclipped a hunting knife from his belt and handed it to me. "Thanks but I don't think I'll need a knife to kill that kid." I smirked but took the knife with gratitude anyways. " So you going to do it quick or no?" Warren asked questioningly. " I'm gonna to have to do it fast. Our little inside scoop said only thirty minutes which we're wasting right now." I warned, heading out of my office and to where the others were.

Bryce's view

Nothing good was really on tv so I shut it off, sighing to myself as I tried to shake the dreaded bad feeling away as I walked over t the kitchen to grab a bottle of water from the fridge. Even telling myself that there was nothing wrong and it was just nerves wasn't helping, I still couldn't shake the feeling. I walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch again.

Finally I just couldn't stand it anymore. I stood up and grabbed the home phone, dialing the number Aaron had given me before he left. "Pick up please." I mumbled as I heard the annoying, original dial tone before Aaron picked up . "yes?" He asked. "H-Hey Aaron. I know I said I'll be fine but I have a really bad feeling about being here alone..... I feel like something is stalking me and it's going to end up bad." I gulped and shuttered. "okay I'll be home shortly. Make sure all the door and windows are locked alright?" Aaron spoke calmly into the phone. "Alright." I said and hung up, quickly locking the front and back door and as many windows on the first floor as I could. I took a deep breath and closed the curtains, grabbing my water bottle and taking a drink to help calm down.

It didn't work so well because a gun's bullet shot through the windows and lodged itself in the wall, immediately hunkered down, slowly crawling to the phone, just as I had predicted. The phone line had been cut. "Well.... shit." I muttered inaudible. I didn't want to let the person who shot the gun that the bullet belonged to know that anyone was there. Quietly I sat the phone down and crawled to the kitchen on my hands and knees then quickly snuck upstairs. Now I was around the corner with a kitchen knife lodged firmly in my hand as I waited for something to happen.

It seemed like forever until I heard the front door creak open and soft but heavy footsteps echoing from downstairs. "I'm screwed...."


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Yeah, yeah I know, crappy ending for the chapter. Oh well, bye guys! 

~SeaB has left the building! 

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