XX : Midnight

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My blood, sweat and tears.
My cold breath. Take it all.


    Scott is one of those superhero who hides his identity for safety. Yet he was accepted as one of the avengers.

   He has not many fans. Maybe because he was too little for them to see in the battlefield. But all that matters to him is his daughter and his friend's safety.

   So as soon as he heard the news about his beloved spider friend was attacked at his own tower he almost choke on his dinner he was having. He knew the media was lying about Peter money laundering charges because he knew Peter would never do that.

   The answer arrived at his home with a knock on the door on a rainy night. He rushed out to open it up.

   Peter Parker and (Y/n) (L/n) was soaking wet, Scott let them in confusedly.

   "I heard the new. What happened?" He asked.

   Peter took his suit off, unbuttoned his shirt and went shirtless.

   He then disappeared in Scott's room, leaving Scott and you to look at each other awkwardly. Peter came back with a towel, wrapped it around you.

   "You'll catch a cold. Go sit at the fireplace." He said softly. This also told you that he needs a serious conversation with Scott.

   Peter stole one of Scott's shirt to wear too and Scott was more than happy to let him. Anything to help a brother that he fought with.

   You sat by the fireplace. Listening to what they were talking about.

   "I'm going to make this quick, eventually they'll come here asking for me too." Peter told him.


   "Nora is the rat. From the beginning. Money laundering. Smuggling weapons. It was all hers. You need to contact Tony, tell him the cops can't be trust, neither or the government..."

Their voices fade away. You stared to the fireplace, (K/n) jumped off your labs and find something to play. Where will all this lead to? Everything is about to change isn't it, why did it all go wrong?

The next thing you knew was his hands on your shoulders.

"We'll stay here for the night." He said softly, joined you on the couch.

"We won't stay long?"

"We can't. They'll find out eventually." He sighed, then looked into the flames. It reflected his brown eyes, now it turned crimson red.

You noticed Scott disappeared, so it was peaceful enough for you to lay your head on his shoulder.

"So what now..?" You whispered.

"We sleep. Tomorrow we have a long way ahead us."

"Are we going somewhere?"

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