XXI : Darker

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Neko : Guys i can't possibly spoil you guys anything because when i write this fanfiction Black Panther just hit the theater. Everything i write here is made up because neither you or me have watched infinity war😂

Please don't mistake that Peter really been in coma for 2 months in real mcu! I just added that to show you why Peter changed. Thanks!


Just close enough so that they're not touching.
It's gonna be electric.


Parker's pov

"Long time no see..." She said, with a smile. She is not who I recognize. Everything about her changed since she found out i was the one putting her father behind bars.

   "It's been awhile." I said, i had a bad feeling yet I had to hope she will keep her promise.

   "Poor Mr.Parker, must be so desperate coming to me. What can i help you with? Hm. It's not going to be that easy though. Maybe we could start with who is she?" She pointed a finger at (Y/n).

   "That's not the reason why i'm here." I tried to keep her out of our conversation for her own safety, Liz's guards were all around us.

   "Oh she's definitely the reason why you're here." She stood up from her chair. "Maybe we should discuss this somewhere else?"

   She's going to split us up. I turned to look at (Y/n). I know she doesn't want to be far from me, I hope Liz will stop playing games and make this quick.

   "Stay here." I said.

   "Is it going to be okay?" She whispered.

   "I'm hoping."

   I left her there as I followed Liz. She led me to the even darker room. She sat on one chair and jerked her head towards another for me to sit.

   "What can i help you?" She asked.

   "Your information. Everything you know about Hydra recently."

   She smiled. Liz has a game to play. Oh, how can one changed so much, you barely recognize who they were.

  "In the end your wealth and power can't help you, isn't it..." She smiled.

   From the first day I announced to the world of who i really was, Liz visited me at the tower. Crying and felt betrayed. She told me she had one of the shittiest life i could imagine after i put her dad behind the bars.

   So, we made a promise. That we will not betray each other ever again and we will help each other out in the future. We remained  being friends.

   A couple of years back, i heard Liz was working as a person in between legal and illegal. She has all sorts of information from the cops and thieves. I could've sent her to jail after her dad for the position she was in but I promised that i won't betray her.

   "I'm sorry for what i did to you, Liz. I told you that a million times and i know there's nothing i could do to apologize. But i'm in a really bad state. I need your help."

   Her smile faded. There goes her real personality. "Fine. I'm going to tell you about Hydra, so listen carefully."

   She got up, poured us a champagne from different bottles, then handed one for me.

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