XXXV : Colorless

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We been living like devils,
Loving like angels.


  "You have to do this... This is the right thing. I know it's hard, but you need to trust me."

  "I can't... Peter. Please... I can't..."

   "Look at me."


   "Right, look into my eyes, like that... trust me."


   "Now... Just pull the trigger."


1 hours ago.
Parker's pov

   I've been trying to call (Y/n) for hours after I heard about Nora, but I couldn't reach her. I panicked, I couldn't sit and wait on nothing, so I grabbed my Black Confederate G2 P51 motorcycle and headed to her house.

   I felt my suit, tie and hair blow in the cold wind as I drove through New York at night. I ran red lights, rushing like never before.

   I made sure I had a gun in my back pocket and headed to the elevator. It took forever getting to the highest floor. Damn it, I knew my habits of buying rooftop houses for the view would cause problems.

   The elevator's door opened and I froze. The house's door was left open. I grabbed my phone and left a message for him to send backup.

   I stepped into the living room, and heard the sound of broken glass crunching under my feet. I looked around and noticed everything was a mess. Someone broke in, there was a fight here.

   "(Y/n)..." My voice cracked, sweats rolled down my forehead. I took out my gun as I checked every room. I found... the hell? Charlene? Laying on the ground, unconscious.

   I tried to wake her up but she was knocked out by a hit on the head, she was still breathing and would be fine, so I left. One more place to look for her, the rooftop.

   I opened the door feeling the breeze hit my skin. I saw (Y/n). Her back was turned to me, she was staring at two other people on the edge of the building.

   Nora, with blood all over her body and clothes, was holding Jason, and a gun to his temple.

   "You came faster than I expected." Nora said, she smiled painfully from all the wounds on her neck. So she survived the gun shot. How the fuck did she survived the gunshot.

   (Y/n) turned around to look at me slowly, her eyes were welling up with tears. "You shouldn't have come." She told me, she looked to be in pain. I stared at her questioningly, how can someone look so hurt but still be standing on their own feet?

   "Your gun... Throw it off the building, Mr Parker, or I'll shoot." Nora said, I looked at her aggressively, but I had no choice, I couldn't not let that boy die.

   I made sure I removed the bullets before I did as she said, or else we're going to kill someone down there. I tried walking closer to (Y/n), but Nora stopped us.

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