XXIV : Ink

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You're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece.
And now I'm tearing through the pages and the ink.



You heard your own voice as you stared at the television screen, showing a video of Peter walked directly to the police.

   "No way." You looked away, Jason was as shocked as you.

   "What do we do now...?" Jason asked.

   "Those guys, Jon and the rest risk their lives and is in jail for him and now he just walked right to the police. He's out of his mind."

   "Maybe he just didn't want to run and wanted you to be safe..."

   "The opposite of what we've promised, he said he won't leave me, we'll go down together."

   A knock on a door shushed you up, you slowly opened it up, Tony Stark was on the other side.

   "He told me to pick you up." He said, avoided your eyes.

   "Did you know he was going to turn himself into the police?"


   "Do you?"

   "Yes. But we'll get him out trust me---"

   "Hydra taken over New York, even your wealth and power can't do anything to save him now, how are we supposed to do that?" You looked at him angrily, this just isn't right.

   "He made me promise that you will be safe, from now you will have Stark industry's support instead of Parker's. All your charges will be dropped as the police will consider you as his hostage."

   "What will happen to Parker industry?"

   Tony Stark sighed, very painfully, he bit his lips before telling you. "Nora will take control over everything."


   The ceiling was white, with lots of lightbulb. Peter looked around, thinking that he could punch that damn glass in this interrogation room and getaway but then he has to run again. He might have such power but with the whole world after him, the end is probably a death like Bonnie and Clyde.

   This was a stupid decision. He's well aware of that, but it's better than losing you. Better off be locked in the cell forever knowing you're safe out there.

   The door opened up. You walked in, he expected you, Tony promised he will bring you to see him for the last time before these fake police will find reason to put him in jail forever.

   You were mad. Real mad. You sat down on the chair next to him, look at his handcuffs. Say nothing at all.

   "I'm sorry." Peter said, his hair was messy, it fells onto his face, he was a little bruised up, the wounds on his stomach was still bleeding.

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