Nap Time 2(GladionxMale!Reader)

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Gladion's POV

(Y/N) is a mad man. He harassed me with embarrassingly flirty lines the entire walk to his house, and I felt like crawling into a hole to die.

As of now, nothing special is really going on. His joke about saying that he wanted us to be a thing was a bit overboard, and oddly, it makes me want to avoid him.

I don't, though. I'm trying my hardest not to. If anything, I don't want our friendship to become awkward.

At the moment, (Y/N) and I are sat in his room. Lillie and Hau had to go off somewhere to train their Pokémon to prepare for some dumb contest.

I'm just sitting in his bean bag chair, messing with a Skitty plushie he happened to keep after traveling from who knows where to Alola. It was pretty cute, and I found myself wanting to get one myself. Even if it wasn't native to Alola.

The plush was huge, so I had no problem resting my chin on it and wrapping my arms around it as if I was a damn Komala.

(Y/N), who was sitting on his bed and trying to find a game to play with me on his gaming console, looked over and laughed at me, "You made a new friend?"

"Shut your trap, the only reason I'm doing this is because it's a good pillow." I roll my eyes and will away the blood trying to rush to my cheeks.

"You can have it if you want," (Y/N) beams at me despite being the target of my sour attitude, "It just takes up space, anyway. Plus, it could brighten up your bland space of a room"

This time there is no way just willing the redness away will work. My face erupts into a dark red color, so I attempt to hide it in the plush. It smelled like him, "Whatever. Is my room really that plain?"

"Ah... W-well, it isn't your fault!" (Y/N) looks like he's trying to protect me from myself. I huff and hide my smile in the plush along with the redness. "I suppose not."

"Anyway, out of all the games I have, we've already played them all before. There's not quite anything to do.." (Y/N) mumbles, sighing.

"Let's watch a series or something," I shrug and turn my head to lie my cheek on the Skitty rather than my chin, "Simple."

"What? What would we watch?" He raises a brow at me, making room on his bed like he expects me to sit beside him.

As if.

I stay where I am, holding the Skitty tighter, "Sherlock?" I hear him laugh again, and immediately I regret my decision to share.

"I never knew you liked that kind of stuff. Are you secretly an adorable nerd?~" (Y/N) taunts, still waiting for me to sit beside him.

I hiss at him, "Of course not. Just put something on, dammit." His smile grows.

"That just sounds like your lecturing me about keeping my clothes on!" (Y/N) falls on to his back on his bed, laughing at my embarrassment.

I stand up, leaving my new Skitty plush behind, and walk over to the bed to flick his nose. He whines at me and covers his nose, soon after elongating his arms to wrap around me upside down.

I'm trapped.

He snickers and beams, sticking his tongue out at me, "Oh, I caught a kitten!"

"I can still fxcking slap you." I grumble, low key afraid of what would happen if I were to move.

"But'cha won't.~" (Y/N) suddenly tightens his grip around me and sits up, bringing a panicking me with him.

I end up flat on my back, lying in his legs. He looks down at my face as I'm trying to recover from my daze.

"Jesus, since when could you do that?"

"Since always. I just never did. Impressed, huh?~"

"Stop flirting, you little shxt."

"I'm not the little one here."

"I'm one. Fxcking. Inch. Shorter."

"But still shorter."

I try to punch his gut from where I lay, but unfortunately he catches my hand. "Woah there, don't knock the wind out of me again."


"Mhm. You left me breathless the second I saw ya."

I can't believe I walked right into that. I feel my face burn, and suddenly I feel like I want to try and punch him anyway.

I try with my other hand. He catches that one, too, and grins, "Leaving yourself vulnerable isn't a great idea."

I couldn't describe how hot my face felt. Dumbfounded, I stare up at him, and it's almost like he's inching his face closer and closer to mine.

He's gonna take my first kiss.

Am I okay with that?

I have absolutely no idea.

I just close my eyes and wait.

Hearing yet another snicker, my eyes snap open, "What?"

"I didn't think you were going to let me."

"... A-ah..." I press my lips together and awkwardly avoid his gaze, huffing. "I'm not."


"You're the liar!"

"Another lie..~" (Y/N) leans down again and, this time, steals my first kiss.

I've never kissed anybody, obviously, but even I could tell that he was good at it. The pressure was surprisingly nice.

Just before I can close my eyes entirely, the door opens, and I'm a second late in pushing (Y/N)'s face away from my own red one.

He whines at me, but realizes the door opened, so he snapped his head up to look at the doorway. I don't want to look and see who it was..

I just hide my face in my hands. The Skitty plush would've been great right about now.

"Gladion? Oh my god, were you just-" It's my sister.

I groan to cut her off, about to come up with an excuse, before (Y/N) pulls my hands away from my face and kisses me again.

I'm too stunned to pull away. Lillie laughs, saying something about 'I knew it!' And snaps a photo.


Goodbye cruel world.

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