Chapter 2

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I'm loving this story


Dans POV

Before I could walk into my home, I hear Mum and Dad arguing. I sigh and walk slowly toward the house. Once my hand was on the door knob, I heard a glass plate shatter. I gasped, falling down my wood stairs up to my door. It didn't hurt because it was one stair and grass. I got back up, gulping. Slowly, I opened the door, seeing my mum on the floor. "Mum?!" I shrieked, running toward her. I look a little to the left, seeing broken plate pieces. "What is wrong with you?!" I yelled at my father. "Don't talk to me like that you..faggot!" He yelled.

He's drunk. A hot tear started falling down my cheek. "Stop ya crying!" He yelled again, slapping my face, hard. I winced in pain, holding both my hands to my probably red cheek. I ran upstairs into my room, throwing all my things to the floor. I hopped on my bed, tearing not flowing from my eyes, and cries escaping my lips.

Once I stopped my crying, I grabbed my laptop from the end of my bed, opening Tumblr. I look at my profile, seeing a friend request.

"Friend request from Philion"

I smile at his name and follow back. I opening the dms and start talking to him.

Pasteldanny: Hay, it's Dan

I wait for a response, looking on my feed. About an hour later, I looked at the time, it said 13:00. "Shit. One am!" I whisper yelled. I looked at the notifications and saw nothing. I sighed and frowned. I closed my laptop and curled up in my blankets.

For what seemed like an hour, I was up in the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. "My dads right," I sigh, "I am a faggot. What even is my clothing choice." I mumble to myself. I look at the drawer under the sink, looking for my mums shaving razor.


I pull it out of the container and look at my veins, pulsing through my wrist. I swallow hard, putting the razor against my wrist, slowly dragging it upward. I wince at the pain, noticing the blood draw from my arm.

I was able to complete two cuts on my wrist. "No deep ones today." I whisper, putting it back in the drawer. I rinse my wrist with cold water, making sure the blood stops forming. Once I was done, I dried it off, grabbing some bandages from the cabinet before leaving.

Once I was back in my room, putting the bandages on, I hear a ding from my laptop. I run over to it, opening Tumblr. I see a message and open it.

Philion: Hay, just got this now. I can't sleep.

Pasteldanny: Same, but I have a reason not to sleep.
Philion: what is that reason?

I swallow, regretting I sent that text.

Pasteldanny: I can't say.

Philion: Oh, cmon. Philly wants to know.

I can't tell him. If he knows, my life could physically end.

Pasteldanny: I actually cant tell you. Sorry, lad.

Philion: aw okay. Imma go to bed. Talk to you at school tmr, ok. mate?

Pasteldanny: yea, sure.

Philion offline

I sigh, closing the laptop. Now getting tired. I finally decide to get under my covers and try to fall asleep. Once I did, all I could think about is my secret that can't be told to anyone.

Sorry about the trigger warning so early. But I always make things angsty and don't know why.


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