Chapter 9

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Let's just appreciate the pic above🙏🏼


Phil POV

I didn't sleep at all. Both Dan and I tried to sleep but since this all happened so late, we couldn't sleep. Now, it's seven in the morning and Dan is sleeping. I'm letting him sleep. He deserves it. School starts in half hour and I have to go to get our work. I sigh and get up, walking over to Dan, gently rubbing his head. "Hey, I'm going to school, I'll see you later." I whisper. He nods and hugs me tight, not opening his eyes. I hug back, pecking his cheek. He lays back down as I leave the room.


I arrive at the school, suddenly feeling lonely. People start to stare at me, I can hear them whispering in their friends ears. I shrug it off, walking toward my first class. I usually sit by Dan in the class and now that he's not here, I don't have anyone. Well, except one person. He was my friend for some time, then he started to bully Dan and then I stopped being his friend. He thinks I'm still his friend though, and I'm putting a stop to it. "Hay, Philly. Soo, hows your relationship going?" He asks. I look at him confused. "Huh, what you mean?" I reply. "Oh, cmon! You are soo dating someone." He whines. "What do you mean, mate?" I ask again. "You are dating and you just don't wanna say it." Fuck. "I'm not, and leave me alone, would ya?" I say, ending our conversation. I walk to my seat, or at least try too.

"Phil, you can't hide this forever. I've seen how you've been acting lately. Missing class, being nice?" "First off, I always ditch and yeah, I'm not being an asshole for once. What's your point?" I snap. "I-it's just not like you." "And so what if I was dating, that's none of your goddamn business." I snap again. "Ok, shit. Don't gotta be such a bitch." He rolls his eyes and walks away. Damn, I miss Dan. At least he's not here dealing with what I'm dealing with right now. I take out my phone, opening Tumblr. Our teacher doesn't give a shit. I try to dm Dan, seeing if he could talk. I sigh, putting the phone in my pocket.

About ten minutes pass and I hear a small ding from my phone. I take it out, seeing the message.

Pasteldanny: Hey bb..

Philion: hey babe, how you feeling?

Pasteldanny: eh, my head hurts a bit. I just can't wait to go home.

Philion: same, I miss you. And that's not really like me.

Pasteldanny: aww.

Philion: shut up. XD

Pasteldanny: the doctor says you can pick me up after school and I can go home :)

Philion: yay! Also be glad you aren't at school right now.

Pasteldanny: y?

Philion: my old friend asked me if I was dating and I told him no. He kept going on and on about it. I'll finish about it later.

Pasteldanny: o dang

Philion: yeah

"Uh, Phillip?" A voice calls. I look up, seeing my teacher having her eyes locked with mine. "Uh, yeah?" I sass a bit. "Is there something important you need to talk about?" She asks. "Nope." She sighs and continues teaching.

Pasteldanny: ly

I smile at the message, realizing I'll get in trouble again in a few minutes.

Philion: ly2 bb. I gtg teacher caught me ttyl.

I turned off my phone, putting it into my pocket. As the class continues, I get more and more anxious. I don't know why, but it didn't feel right. Finally, the bell rings and I am the first to get out of the room. I run to the bathroom, and hide in a stall, making sure no one would see my feet.

I hear some people walk in, they start talking about me...
"Hey, have you heard that Phil guy is dating someone?"
"What? Really? Who?"
"Not sure..wanna bet he gay as fuck?"
"Hell yeah. I know he is for a fact."
"Wait, how do you know he's dating?"
"He told me. Just hasn't said who."

I never told anyone! Oooh someone gonna die! I step down from the toilet and open the stall. "Hey, where did you hear I was dating?!" I whisper yell. "I-uh..hehe." He stops, knowing he's busted. "You'll pay. And you fully know I'm not dating. You just wanna try and spread shit around and it ain't flying with me.." I trail off, still my teeth clenched. The boy quickly runs out of the bathroom. I sigh and look in the mirror. "Fuck, what have I done?"

Holy shit I'm tired and there is so much school stuff and stress put on me and my mom is pissed with me *cries*


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