Chapter 14

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I'm officially a freshman!!



I was slowly starting to realize why this was all happening so quickly. It didn't come to me really why Phil and I started to hangout first day of senior year. Honestly, I don't deserve it. My thoughts are shut by Phil slamming his breaks into my mums drive way. He sighs, "Great, we're now some kind of criminals." He mumbles to himself. I follow getting out of the car and catch up to him as he enters the house.


So cold that every time I exhale, a cloud of carbon dioxide escapes my lips.

"What are we gonna do now?" I ask, sitting in my mums chair. He sits on the couch and puts his head in his hand. "I'm not sure, but we have to figure something out." I wasn't completely sure what he was saying but I just nodded and went with it. Phil and I have both missed a week of school, well I did, he went one day for homework.

My father is no longer to be seen. At least I hope so, and my mum is somewhat dying in the hospital where I just was.

I miss her.

My cold thoughts start to come back. If my mum and dad have never met, this never would have happened. I wouldn't even be here, "I guess it's for the best." I whisper. Accidentally saying it allowed. "What?" Phil asks. "Uh-nothing." I reply, my face starting to heat up.

"No, Dan. You said something." Phil says more sternly. I turn my head away from him, warm tears flowing in a river-like way down my cheeks. Phil starts to notice what I'm doing and comes over to me and comforts me.

"Dan, it's gonna be okay. Everything will be okay." He soothes. I hug him tightly and he pulls me out of the chair and carries me into my room. I began to get tired, but my eyes were wide enough to see what my floor looked like.


Little puddles of blood on my carpet about the size of dollar coins.

The cherry cough syrup looking substance is dry and crusty, like red ink.

I gasp softly, seeing the destruction of what my dad made.

I snuzzle into Phil's neck, trying to look away from the mess as much as I can. He lays me into my bed and takes a towel and covers the stains so I don't have to see them. I flutter my eyes closed but then I feel a movement in my bed. I look over and see Phil snuggling up close to me covering us both with a blanket and then his final touch was wrapping his arm around my waist. I smile softly and my eyes shut again and I actually get some good sleep. Better than I have in that damn hospital.


I awake to a dark room. I notice Phil is still next to me, except he is turned facing the other way. I look at my clock, seeing 11 pm. I sigh and bring my laptop to my lap. I open the screen and turn the brightness down immediately because damn, that light can get bright as hell. I decide to go onto a bit of Twitter because I'm bored and no longer tired. I see some notifications and see what is trending.

Number two trending
Two male teenagers escape hospital and doctors and officers on lookout. One is a tall, raven black haired male and the other is a shorter, honey-brown, curly haired boy.

Before I could read anything else, I close the laptop and throw it slightly onto the floor. I pull the covers over my face and sob quietly. I start to hear shuffling threw out the bed. "Dan?" I slowly come out from the covers, "Yeah?" I whisper. "You alright? Did you have a nightmare or something?" He asks, coming closer to me. I point to my laptop shaking, "I-it's on the news." I stutter. "What is, baby boy?" I pull back up the laptop and open it. I give it to Phil so he can read. "Dammit." He whispers to himself. "Fucking hell." I look at him, then look away. "Sorry." He says. I nod and lay back down, and snuggle up next to Phil.

"Everything will be okay." Phil says, pecking the top of my head. I start to reply that in my head. Over and over. My eyes slowly get tired and I drift off the sleep. Hopefully, Phil and I don't get into trouble.

Deep as fuck


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