Chapter 6

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Phil POV

Dan has a weird personality. He's sweet but can be and asshole sometimes and holy shit I love his fashion. The pastel look is adorable. I wasn't expecting to have this relationship so fast. Everyone is gonna bully him and me. I can't let that happen.

I'm staring at the ceiling while Dan sleeps. I called us both in for school so we could both just stay home with not parents. He also said he was sick. He told me that he wakes up sickly every morning. I start to heard groaning next to me, I look over and see Dan starting to wake up. His hair is covering his eyes, but I know they are open. "Morning, Danny boy." I say, smiling. "H-hi." He groans, also smiling back.


When I woke up, the first thing I saw was Phil's face. "Morning, Danny boy." He says with a small smile. "H-hi." I reply back, trying to give a smile, still tired. I sigh and get out of bed. "What are you doing?" Phil asks. "Grabbing my laptop. I always look on my computer in the morning. I'm an obsessed Tumblr user." I chuckle, blushing a bit. "I'll get my phone." Phil says, leaning toward the night stand. I sit next to him and open my laptop. "Wow, just Tumblr everything, huh?" Phil chuckles. I soft punch his arm and smile. "Wanna watch a movie or something?" He asks. I nod, "Sure."

I scooted closer to Phil's side, cuddling next to him. I feel his arm wrap around my shoulder. He lays down to my height, so I can put my head on his shoulder. "This is nice." I say, yawning. "It is." Phil mumbles back.

About thirty minutes later, I feel Phil's arm come off my shoulder, and him getting up. "What are you doing, Phil?" I ask. He sits in front of me, we stare at each other for a few seconds, until he smacks his lips to mine. It took me a minute to finally embrace the kiss. He takes his hand graces his fingertips under my chin, lifting my head up more. I smile into the kiss, letting him take dominance. He tases my sides, making me gasp and laugh a bit, causing my mouth to open. I can feel his tongue enter my mouth, exploring it. "Cheeky bastard" I think. I take my hand and push him away, "I can't do this right now." I say, a little embarrassed. He nods, "That's okay. I'll wait" He smiles, pecking my cheek.

Welp.....there's fluff.


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