Chapter 16

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Ugh I lost my doggo yesterday and I'm depress
Rip my beautiful doggo
2015-2018 He was only 3


Phil POV

I could tell Dan was nervous going back to school. I saw it in his face. I can't blame him. He doesn't deserve to be back here, we both need new schools, but of course there is no money.

When we enters school grounds, all eyes were on us. I could feel it.

The dead ass, coldly looking stares.

The ones that look deep into your soul.

We did finally walk into the school and walked to first period like nothing happened. That was only for a little while.

"Oh look here! Dan and Phil are back!" Mrs. Lynch says enthusiastically. All eyes now on us. I gulp and look at Dan, who has slowly moved backwards. I stop him with my hand and motion him to sit down. I nod at the teacher and follow him.

Eyes haven't moved. They kept following. Like an eery shadow.


I can already tell I'm getting anxiety from all this attention and stares. I can see people whispering, bickering to their friends.

I was sat next to Phil, drawing in my notebook. I usually draw my feelings in pictures. I soon did cut out the picture with scissors and put them in my back pocket.

As the bell rang, I got up as fast as possible not even waiting for Phil. I ran to the bathroom and shut myself into a stall. I hear Phil calling my name quietly. I don't respond. I want him to come in and ask me if I was okay. That didn't happen, what did happen was something the total opposite of what I thought.

Charlie and his freaking posse.

I hear them walk in and start small chatter and I think 'ok nothing bad' or so I thought.

"I hear Dan and Phil are back." Someone says.

"Where did they go off to? I saw them both get out of the same car today."

"Wanna bet their fucking?"

I can feel pressure in my head saying 'don't burst in tears. Don't burst in tears' I keep that saying in my head repeatedly.

Finally, what I was not hoping for...happened.

"I heard Dans dad beat him up and he almost died because of it." There were gasps.


"I'm not sure. He did always have marks on his bodies everyday."

"Maybe they were sex marks." Charlie jokes.

"No. Like scratches, burns."

It got silent. Then, my tears started to fall.

"What was that?" Someone asks.

"Hmm, let's find out." Charlie snarls and smashes on my door, opening the lock. Revealing me and my red face and hot, streaming tears visible to the group.

"Look what we got here. Did you hear our whole conversation?"

I nod and stand up(somewhat straight), "Yes. And what you are saying isn't true." I mumbled.

"You sure? You being with Phil Lester isn't true?" He teases.

"No, we are friends. Got that?" I snap.

"Hm, okay. What about your dad? He's not wrong for beating you. You are a little pussy who is a big fa-."

"Shut up!" I scream. Not loud for outside to hear, but for him to shut his ass up.

He stops and looks at me with a face of 'holy shit.'

"I had this small amount of courage to finally stand up to you. I'm sick of it. Leave me alone." I say sternly, pulling out the scissors from earlier.

"Oh my god! Put them down, Dan! I-it's okay." Charlie stutters.

I breathe heavily and walk slowly more towards him. What's happening to me?!

"Get the hell away from me! You understand! And if I hear anyone of you say anything else about me, Phil, or my fucking stupid ass dad or even my mother, you won't have any of your eyes!" I yell. Somethings happening to me.

I- I'm becoming my dad!

My eyes become wide and I loose the grip of my scissors and drop them. I look up and see Phil Lester, my boyfriend, standing in the door way of the bathroom and his mouth agape.. with the principle. I'm not my mums perfect little pastel angel anymore........

God fucking dammit.


I'm gonna get comments on this oops


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